Mastodon News AoIR (Association of Internet Researchers) moves to Mastodon >>> "Twitter (or ‘X’) isn’t just unfriendly but actually unsafe for many more people. For these reasons, the Association of Internet Researchers has decided that we will be ramping down our use of Twitter, effective immediately. Instead, we are shifting our activity to Mastodon..." 1/2 #MastodonNews
AoIR Moving to Mastodon (cont) "This means that we will not be tweeting during the #AoIR2023 conference. Instead, we will be posting on AoIR’s Mastodon instance ( Mastodon and the fediverse are an attempt to carve out a better space that is not owned by huge corporations. We invite you for at least the duration of #AoIR2023 to give Mastodon a go..." 2/2 #MastodonNews