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 I believe the existence of something like superposition and entanglement is the very proof of "fate" 
 Mind expanding on that? 
 By definition, entanglement makes two particles share a connection so profound that their states are linked, regardless of distance. Similar to "fate", where one's outcomes (the first particle) are not random but predetermined, as if they are bound by a deeper underlying order.

Who and what are you entangled with?  
 Thanks for breaking that down. My understanding is that we're attracted to or inclined to do certain things, yet we have a choice whether to channel those actions towards something positive or something else. It can in effect be the same exact action though in different contexts. So my understanding is that when we make a choice (TRUE) there's always an alternate trajectory which is rendered null (FALSE). Make sense? Also, do you not make a distinction between predetermined vs deeper underlying order? 
 predetermined vs deeper underlying order - this is really the ultimate question when it comes to free will I believe, and there’s also lots of room to introduce God in the discussion of free will. 

When we are making actions, there’s the reasons, motivations, and emotions behind. If we operate to make decisions based on reasoning then the information we use to make that decision is crucial. 

What if the info we have to make decisions are manipulated? what if the amount of info we have on certain issues is “predetermined” and controlled - that’s censorship. 

If the end result is that we make decisions based on information that’s manipulated or even not true cuz someone/something else wants us to make that specific decision, did we really have free will there?

It’s a rabbit hole of its own!! I wonder how @jack think about??