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 123 days of analysis paralysis, help me decide between Nostury and Nosturix in the comments.

There have been many great suggestions, but I still want to keep it close to Nostur instead of a total rebrand.

The main problem was with pronunciation, are you talking about nostr or nostur, you can't tell the difference verbally. Nostury or Nosturix makes it clear, but which one? I like them both
 Both terrible 😂 saying this with love. 💕 
 Rather Nostury, sounds like Mistery, otherwise it’s like Asterix the warrior, but it could stay like it is… 
 It’s tough renaming your baby. Your passion project you have been so humbly and methodically devoted to. I do not envy your decision. 😂 
 It’s rough in general too. Naming things is hard. 
 Nosturix is better for me. 
 I don’t like either 😅 
 But if I had to choose between the two it would be Nostury 
 "rutsoN" - Nostur spelled backwards 
 Nostur sounds way better than both of those, unfortunately. Hopefully you'll find a  better one 
 The next century will be shaped by Nostury and its siblings! 
 Nostuary = nostr + sanctuary 
 this is great, I will save this one for a future toggle in the app 😂 

I dont know about any nostr- combos.

@Fabian how about “Stretto” 

Alludes to interoperability, and “an ending climax” 🤠


(music) The presence of two close or overlapping statements of the subject of a fugue, especially towards the end.
(music) An acceleration in the tempo of an opera that produces an ending climax. 
 What about Nostrix --- like nostr + unix 
 NIP 9f

# Client Naming Conventions

Client names MUST NOT include the strings "nos" or "str". 
 I agree. I only use that for my lazy projects like NosDrive that are really just demos (Nostrify excepted). Real project should have a real name inspired by humanity and the world. 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsf03c2gsmx5ef4c9zmxvlew04gdh7u94afnknp33qvv3c94kvwxgspr3mhxue69uhksmmyd33x7epwvdhhyctrd3jjuar0dak8xtcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszxmhwden5te0wfjkccte9emk2um5v4exucn5vvhxxmmd9umdntf8 i tried this and everyone just says nostr tools anyway 😂😭 
 Does nosotros count? It’s literally “us” in Spanish 🤣 
 Too late... 😅 
 I would go for a total rebrand and drop the "nos" and the "str". They make the name difficult to pronounce and even harder to search for

Unfortunately I don't have any ideas for you. But looking through a dictionary is how I found "strudel" for nostrudel 
 Both terrible IMO, keep Nostur 
 Not really a fan of either. What about Nostour? 
Either way tough job, love the client my man.  
 I would recommend NOSTRUM. Which means our in Latin.  
 Just wanted to start by saying how much I love your client—seriously, you’re an amazing dev, and it’s a privilege to use Nostur. It’s my favorite iOS client and my daily-driver. 

Personally though, I’d rather you keep it as Nostur for now rather than another Nos related name. Change the name when you’re ready for a rebranding/design sprint down the road. I think it’d be pretty exciting to release all that at once. 

Regrading names: The reason I’m a die-hard Nostur fan is because it’s always got the latest features, it’s fast, and reliable. You’ve kept it true to being a nimble open-source client and have been connected to the broader Nostr ecosystem. You were the first (and for the most part still only) iOS dev to incorporate features like NIP-23, Nests, zap.stream, lists, etc etc. Nostur kind of reminds me of a root, vine, or nerve (or maybe an octopus?)—fluid, has the potential to grow in any direction, able to move and transform in its environment and absorb important “nutrients” from its surroundings.

Things that come to mind for me are: Tendril, Rhizome (or Rizome), Synapse, Dendrite, Dendryx. Some Octopus related ones could be tako, polpo, kraken. 

Anyway, feel free to ignore my mostly unsolicited advice. You’re doing fucking awesome job with the client and you’ve got some extremely loyal users. Don’t stop!
 Thank you @doc 🫂 
 Thinking “Hydra” now. 
 Covers the octopus and is an ode to the wackamole culture of decentralization. 😀 

It's short and simple.
And there is a hidden message included 😎🤙! 
 Nostro - Italian for our/ours 
 Nosturix sounds nice. 
 I kinda like the flavor that "y" gives off but the "u" in it weighs it down, imo. I think a simple Nostry could be good.

Ignoring my going with neither option, I like Nostury better I think. Nosturix is too many consonants and too harsh sounding. Nostry feels light and welcoming for some reason. 
 nosturix Asterix fans ✔️  
 i vote for nostury because theres an x in nosturix, id rather not have xs like simpleX for the name makes it feel like an alternative twitterx app 
 Rolls off the tongue better too IMO 
 Nosturix sounds too “domanatrix” like. I always chuckle when someone brands something “-rix or -trix”.  Maybe it’s my dirty mind? lol 
 Hi Fabian, I’ve been noticing that Nostur seems to take a lot longer than other apps (Damus, Nostrmo, Primal) to load new events (sometimes 10+ secs) if I haven’t been on the app for a while. Any ideas why this happens? Is it worth reinstalling, or is this expected behaviour? 
 No should be less than 5 seconds. Could be a slow relay causing delays. You could try with just 1 fast relay to see if that is the cause 
 Strange, I’m using the same relays on the other apps as well and new posts load near instant.

I’ll try clearing cache to see if that fixes it. Then try just 1 relay. Will take me a while to see if it’s worked though as I normally see this happen after a few hours (when I wake up after sleeping for example). Will feedback anything I see and try to get video clips if clearing cache doesn’t fix it. 
 Clearing cache seemed to work 
 Sounds like a Linux distro name.