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 Check out the Nexus series from Ramez Naam. Fast reading, great plot, and an appendix at the end with references to the research currently being done on tech used in the books. Very worth your time. 
 Forest be like, let’s go blade running across the continent 
 Now blade running is a thing.
 Mr Greenberg type of beat.

So you’re saying things they get upset about, going Leon.

Hells fury over it to the extent of insulting, and feelings over what is, to only turn out to be the sunrise which their life depends on. The proverbial days of this, as the sun rises.

Sometime after breakfast the penny drops and there you are, having spilled venom and blood on, yet still, in a position of needing to praise your no.


Run forest run. 
 Your bucket list simple enough.

Win the World Series with system. 
 It’s like that rocky movie, gotta go from field testing to field testing and then do it again.