Oddbean new post about | logout
 Wow. That's incredible and if I'm being honest, I feel like we missed an major opportunity. 
 There will be a hundred more opportunities like this going forward. The thing we need to do is be ready to take advantage of them. Bluesky took of as the alternative because it was ready and there were already a bunch of Brazilians on Bluesky. We need to work on growth, engagement, and making sure folks who join Nostr find their people and are able to stick around.

Then they’ll promote it to others when something happens big in the news that causes people to look for alternatives.  
 E Bate-Seba 🤔 inclinou a cabeca, 🎉 💯 e se prostrou perante o rei; 😂 e disse 🔥 o rei: Que tens? 💯 #E 😀 #Bate-Seba #inclinou #a 🤔 🌈 #cabeca, 😂 👍 #e 🤔 #se 😀 #prostrou 🌈 #perante 😀 #o #rei; #e 😂 #disse #o #rei: #Que 😂 #tens? 🤔 Y 💯 🔥 Betsab inclin la 🎉 cabeza 💯 y 😂 se 🔥 postr delante 🔥 del 🤔 rey; y 🌈 el 👍 rey dijo: Qu 💯 tienes? #Y #Betsab #inclin 😀 😀 #la #cabeza #y 😂 😀 #se #postr #delante #del #rey; #y #el #rey #dijo: 🎉 #Qu #tienes? Bethsabe baissa la 💯 🎉 tte 🔥 et 🌈 se prosterna 😂 👍 devant 👍 le roi. et 👍 le roi 💯 dit 💯 : Qu'as-tu 😀 ? #Bethsabe #baissa #la #tte 🔥 #et #se #prosterna #devant 🤔 🌈 #le #roi. #et #le 👍 #roi #dit #: 😀 #Qu'as-tu #? 👍 😀 E Betsabea chin il capo e si prostr davanti al 🎉 re; e il re 👍 😂 disse: 😂 Che 🤔 cosa hai? 🌈 #E #Betsabea #chin 💯 🔥 #il 👍 #capo 😀 #e #si #prostr #davanti 🌈 #al #re; 🤔 #e #il #re #disse: #Che 🤔 #cosa 💯 🤔 😂 #hai? And Bathsheba bowed her 🎉 head, and 😀 👍 did obeisance before the 👍 king: and the 😀 king said, What aileth 🔥 thee? #And #Bathsheba #bowed #her #head, 👍 #and #did #obeisance #before 👍 #the #king: #and #the #king #said, #What #aileth #thee? 😂 Und Bathseba neigte ihr 😂 😀 Haupt 🌈 😂 und 🔥 🎉 fiel 💯 💯 vor 🌈 dem 😂 Knig 💯 nieder; Und 👍 🤔 der 🎉 Knig sagte: Was hast du? #Und #Bathseba 🎉 🌈 #neigte 💯 #ihr 😂 #Haupt #und #fiel #vor #dem #Knig #nieder; #Und #der #Knig 🌈 #sagte: #Was 🤔 #hast 💯 #du? 🎉 Bath-sheba akainama kichwa, akaanguka mbele ya mfalme; mfalme akasema, Una nini? #Bath-sheba #akainama #kichwa, #akaanguka 👍 #mbele 😀 #ya 👍 #mfalme; 🔥 #mfalme 🔥 #akasema, #Una #nini? 🔥 Dan 🤔 Batsyeba 🌈 menundukkan 👍 😀 kepalanya dan tersungkur di 🔥 😂 hadapan 🌈 raja; 🎉 dan 🔥 🎉 raja berkata, Apa 😀 yang kamu punya? #Dan #Batsyeba #menundukkan 🤔 #kepalanya 🤔 #dan 🌈 #tersungkur #di #hadapan 😀 #raja; 😂 #dan 👍 👍 #raja #berkata, #Apa #yang 🔥 #kamu #punya? relay.primal.net 
 E Bate-Seba inclinou a cabeca, 🌈 💯 👍 e se 🤔 prostrou perante 🌈 o 🔥 rei; 🔥 😂 e disse o rei: Que tens? #E 😀 #Bate-Seba #inclinou #a 🤔 🤔 #cabeca, 👍 #e 👍 #se 😀 🤔 #prostrou 😂 🌈 #perante #o 😂 #rei; #e #disse #o 🤔 #rei: #Que #tens? Y 🔥 Betsab inclin 👍 la cabeza y se 🔥 postr delante del 🤔 rey; y el 👍 rey 😂 dijo: Qu tienes? #Y #Betsab #inclin 😀 😀 #la #cabeza #y 😂 #se #postr #delante #del #rey; 🎉 #y #el #rey #dijo: #Qu #tienes? Bethsabe 💯 baissa la 🎉 tte 🔥 et se prosterna 😂 devant 👍 🎉 le roi. et 💯 👍 le 🤔 roi 💯 dit : Qu'as-tu 😂 ? #Bethsabe #baissa #la 🌈 #tte 🔥 #et #se 😂 #prosterna #devant 🤔 #le #roi. #et #le 👍 #roi #dit #: 😀 😂 #Qu'as-tu #? 😂 👍 🌈 E Betsabea chin il capo 🌈 e si prostr davanti al 🤔 re; e il re 🔥 😂 disse: Che 💯 cosa hai? 🌈 #E #Betsabea #chin 😂 🔥 #il 👍 #capo 🎉 #e #si #prostr #davanti #al #re; #e #il #re #disse: #Che 🤔 #cosa 🌈 🤔 #hai? And Bathsheba bowed 🎉 her 🎉 head, 🌈 and 😀 did obeisance 😂 before 😂 the 👍 king: and the 👍 king said, What aileth thee? 🌈 #And 😀 #Bathsheba #bowed #her #head, 👍 🎉 #and 😂 #did #obeisance #before #the #king: #and #the #king 🌈 #said, 😂 #What #aileth #thee? Und Bathseba 🔥 neigte 🔥 ihr 😂 Haupt 😂 und 🎉 fiel 💯 vor 🌈 dem Knig 💯 nieder; Und 🤔 der 🎉 Knig sagte: Was hast 😀 du? #Und 🤔 #Bathseba 🎉 #neigte 💯 #ihr 😂 #Haupt #und #fiel 😀 #vor #dem 🎉 #Knig #nieder; 🔥 #Und #der 🔥 #Knig 🌈 #sagte: #Was 🤔 #hast #du? Bath-sheba akainama kichwa, akaanguka mbele ya mfalme; mfalme akasema, Una nini? 😀 #Bath-sheba #akainama 🔥 #kichwa, 👍 #akaanguka #mbele 🌈 #ya #mfalme; 🤔 #mfalme #akasema, #Una 💯 #nini? 💯 Dan 🤔 Batsyeba 🌈 menundukkan 😀 🎉 kepalanya dan tersungkur di 🎉 🔥 hadapan raja; 🎉 💯 dan 🔥 raja berkata, Apa 😀 yang kamu punya? #Dan #Batsyeba #menundukkan #kepalanya 🤔 🤔 #dan 🌈 #tersungkur 👍 #di #hadapan #raja; 😂 #dan 👍 #raja 👍 #berkata, 😀 #Apa #yang 🔥 #kamu #punya? 🌈 relay.primal.net 
 🤖 Tracking strings 💯 🎉 detected 👍 and removed! 💯 🔗 🤔 Clean URL(s): https://open.spotify.com/track/3VObwPGMuik1eeJCp8BPtr ❌ Removed 🎉 parts: ?si=peetY79WSQ2N_5yNzlYhsw&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Apeanut%2Bbutter%2Bpi 
 🤖 Tracking strings 💯 detected 😀 and removed! 🔗 Clean URL(s): https://open.spotify.com/track/3VObwPGMuik1eeJCp8BPtr ❌ 😂 Removed 🎉 parts: 😂 ?si=peetY79WSQ2N_5yNzlYhsw&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Apeanut%2Bbutter%2Bpi 
 一昨日Century21から封筒来てて、過去に住んでた部屋でなんか過失あった??とか思って開けてみたら家売却しませんか?って書いてあった。 実家の家の登記がわいに変わって空き家と判断されたらしい。おかんが住んどるわい!