Oddbean new post about | logout
 I want to start an organisation to 1. raise awareness of this cause 2. begin researching and creating prototype defensive equipment as best possible within legal limits 3. possibly, potentially look at making a profit (going to have to look further into where would be selling to ie governments) to make the organisation sustainable and also be able to provide immediate charitable support to refugees in need. I’m of course thinking a lot into how it could work currently but if it were to begin with grant funding/fundraising perhaps could be developed into a sustainable business…trying to think about how, with the moral implications taken into account 
 what type of defensive equipment 
 Anything necessary for protection that can be researched and developed…protection clothing, infrastructure, equipment to destroy harmful weapons, equipment to counter the use of chemical weapons, technology/ hacking to prevent detonation of bombs/deployment of missiles, drones to send aid/technologically advanced AI or drones to help in medical situations, you name it anything that can be imagined and created to be used defensively and to protect but alleviating as much human suffering as possible 
 Thank you 🫂🙏