J appreciate this language also latin during my learning and first experience when j worked at Disney and some Big stars hotels and palaces where Clients are king...After so Many years j changed my voices began a another learning j worrk for any person who lives with any problem of diseases, adapted their job, help them to find a job learning whatever thé kind of diseases...( Work Learning adapt the job with some materiels ergonomic, visuel, mental, psychic , trauma, accident use all materials usefuf to adapt with each situation accessibity.. laws, rights of this part in our society .j am happiest
Frenglish 😄
Mordue en de toutes les langues surtout lorsque je me retrouve dans les pays d'Asie du Sud Est . Le français est plus complexe entre l'oral et l'écriture trop de subtilités lingustiques..Prenez les livres des classiques en ligne et gratuite . Bonjour et bonsoir chez vous 🙏💜🙏