Do you mean like central planning?
No, I mean separate the money flow and accountability to that from the existing projects. We can have multiple associations as well. As a user, you can subscribe to whoever you think better uses their money.
So something like OpenSats?
Or many alternatives to OpenSats with completely differentiated fund flows, legal structure and accountability loops.
Ok so do you propose different projects could operate under a same umbrella that would take care of the legal and money issues so they could focus on the production side of things only?
No, nobody is "under" anything. They should all be independent from one another. And it's not about sending all the money in just one way, it's to have as many money avenues as possible. Devs will have their legal and revenue models in each project. The associations would have a separate model that can add or fight against projects according to their own values.
Are you basically describing a Project Manager or Product Owner who is also in charge of pay?
No, while the entity could hire those, they would not be managers because the entity wouldnt have their own projects. Their goal is to double down on other projects out there that are managed independently by those groups.