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 Saylor is a spook. Asking to accept regulations and compliance because it will increase the number, upwardly. He's already extremely wealthy and has no need for more wealth.

It would be different if he was promoting different aspects of bitcoin but he wants to increase its value in dollar terms. He doesn't understand it, he wants to co-opt it, for the elete.

Fuck him 
 Oh dear 
‘Saylor is already wealthy and has no need for more wealth. ‘😂😂😂
Are you serious ? It’s a number go up accumulation game. 
Hating on successful people is a sign of a rent seeking world owes me a living, person. ‘
His opinion and actions are his choice as mine are mine as yours are yours. 
There are no rules in Bitcoin. 
He didn’t WIN his Bitcoin - he earned it through his business acumen  and then sat on it as those around him sold. His conviction grew and he continued to support the market by buying and dedicating his time to it. 
 I remember him buying into it. I don't hate him. I do believe his opinions are not aligned with the potential of bitcoin. I very much believe he is playing into the hands of the state or is working for them. Either way, an agent.

Fuck him 
 You mean aligned with ‘your’ Vision of the potential of Bitcoin. 
He will lose out if there’s a 6102 attack but the majority of big players would capitulate because they would want to avoid jail. 
As for ‘playing in to the hands of the state ‘ he is the CEO of a listed USA company and has many fiduciary responsibilities he can’t avoid and it’s not his responsibility to be a beacon for anarchic reform. 
He is protecting his interests  as we all are. 
Overall, I think he has been and is, good for Bitcoin. 
 ‘ he is the CEO of a listed USA company and has many fiduciary responsibilities he can’t avoid and it’s not his responsibility to be a beacon for anarchic reform.'

Then get off the stage and stop pretending.

He is a Spook 
 Let’s assume you’re right .
What’s his goal ? 
 I am willing to accept I'm wrong but I just don't think I am.

For me he is advocating for NgU over freedoms. Btc can be a borderless, p2p payment protocol which has the ability to afford the unbanned financial freedom. Ssylor is pushing store of value, regularioted by tadfi. He wants to keep the dollar which is a weapon. Demonstrated brilliantly by the current WH regime.

So, wittingly or not, he is fighting for the establishment. An establishment that he is already an elete member of. He deserves no more than anyone else and, in my opinion, should not be looked up to. Figuratively speaking 
 I agree with most of your points.. 
However, the wide scale corruption within the political class all over the world is being exposed daily. 
The US corruption in every institution and political party is beyond saving
We are ruled by people who are supposed to serve our needs and protect its citizens. Instead, they feed from the trough, destroy the currency and create wars that didn’t exist. At the same time, 80% of the public are not aware of what is going on and aren’t intelligent enough to ever realise they are being played. 
But I still believe he is just being pragmatic for him in the situation He finds himself in. Self serving ? Yes, but you don’t become that wealthy  without that. It’s a trait. 
 Possibly he is just self serving but look into that. For a child to be self serving it may entail not sharing toys, sucking up to teacher to get a better seat in class, bullying? For a postal boy it might mean reading what he's supposed to be delivering, a politician voting for laws that help their investments...the higher up the food chain, the worse that self interest affects others. Saylor is a billionaire. How high? If he was being philanthropic with his wealth I may excuse him. 
 He is philanthropic. He provides more free education than anyone on earth. (Not just Bitcoin)
Look in to it. 
 Nice try. Education should be free. It costs nothing to pass on knowledge. 

Matthew 19:24 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"

A true act of philanthropy would affect his wallet.

In my opinion 
 It’s costs alot to build a platform, maintain and grow the exposure. Teach over 1m people. I don’t tho k you’re being fair. You sound like a commie
With all this anti rich person rhetoric 
If you’ve built wealth, you’ve made massive sacrifices along the way and wanting to protect and store it is fine by me.