You tell us 👀
"Monero is a very good privacy complement to Bitcoin" -Nick Szabo
"I looked at all the other major cryptocurrencies that had adjustable blocksizes and the only one that I thought that didn't completely suck was Monero" -Jameson Lopp
"Maybe you need a Monero" -Michael Saylor
"For really strong privacy, Monero is much better" -Andreas Antonopoulos
"There's a lot of advantages to using Monero" -Matt Odell
"Monero is the only goddamn currency that's used!" -John McAfee
"Monero will be a champion in that space and we'll have a Bitcoin-Monero duopoly" -Max Keiser
"All fiat systems and all tokens outside of Bitcoin and monero (to my knowledge) have middlemen you cannot get rid of" -Adam Curry
"I would say Monero is not a shitcoin. I think it's a very innovative and new research project that works." -Max Hillbrand
"Monero; Just use it. Objectively it's better than Bitcoin [for privacy]'s obvious" -Amir Taaki
"Monero is closer to our hearts than whatever Bitcoin is turning into today" -Samourai Wallet
"Bitcoin is the reserve currency. Hold it. Privacy coins are transactional privacy. Use them...Monero" -Balaji
"99% of cryptocurrencies are complete and total garbage, but even among the upper echeleon of real ones, Monero is in the top percentile, so it deserves our respect" -Paul Sztorc
"Surprising number of Monero lovers on #Nostr. It’s the only altcoin that I consider has a community of actual cypherpunks with similarly aligned values as bitcoin." -Guy Swann
"Monero has always been the altcoin outlier for me, never a shitcoin because I have a valid use for it that I can't achieve with #bitcoin." -Peter McCormack
"I have an issue when Bitcoiners get so closed-minded and says Moneros a shitcoin. No it's not. There's some brilliant people there and there's a lot to learn...I'm a fan of Monero." -Nicholas Gregory of Mercury Layer
"Cashu isn't an alternative to Monero. Monero is cool." -Calle
"To me Monero is the litmus test in Bitcoin...Monero is such a good money just technically" -Ragnar Lifthrasir of Guns N Bitcoin
"There are altcoins out there that have interesting ideas, but they are very very rare...if a couple altcoins exist, like Monero, where they actually have an interesting idea and a different model that's fine." -Peter Todd
"Monero is doing the job that gave btc its start." -Ray Youssef
I like this list though you don't need consenting influencers to make Monero a legit digital currency. But I guess it helps with shutting up the "Bitcoin only, everything else is a shitcoin" posse.
Yep, exactly. It's not for me or you.
The average curious Bitcoiner might not consider my opinion worth much (or don't want to say it publically), but might give Monero more consideration if they find out all these respected figures from their community saying they also like it (I also have respect for a lot of people on this list)
Hell yeah! If you need some advices, here they are!
É uma ferramenta, use conforme a necessidade.
Exemplo para os orangotangos consanguinios:
Você tem 100 parafusos Philips para apertar e as seguintes ferramentas:
Faca de cozinha;
Chave de fenda;
Chave Philips;
Parafusadeira com fio;
Parafusadeira sem fio.
Eu sei a minha escolha, mas qual seria a sua?
Até os maxi tolos reconhecem. Foi literal para quem não pensa por si mesmo e precisa de um empurrão de "maiores" mentes...
Essa busca por opiniões alheias enche o saco, nos debates de hoje só escuto: segundo "fulano" é isso; "ah, mas beltrano diz aquilo"; e quando eu digo, "interessante a opinião dele, mas e tu, o que você realmente crê sobre isso?" ficam com cara de loading.
Usam a opinião alheia como se fosse a própria, onde deveriam analisar vários pontos de vista e usar como embasamento para a dele.
Olhe o perfil de quem crítica tanto o Bitcoin, e defende Monero. Na grandíssima maioria dos casos ela usa carteira Lightning.
Eu não preciso de Monero, mas eles provavelmente precisam de Bitcoin por usarem tanto apesar de tantas críticas.
Pra mim, as atitudes valem mais do que mil argumentos.
Não tiro a sua razão.
Eu que realmente não entendo esse ímpeto de alguns em querer sempre criticar o outro.
Prevejo que usaremos Monero no futuro. É inescapável e será um trunfo importante. O zeitgeist aponta para uma tirania sem precedentes e precisaremos de subterfúgios para surfar esse momento. Claro que teremos zonas de convergência e liberdade, mas todos conseguirão escapar do gulag br?
Nem fale. É triste a vida de quem não tem suas próprias concepções e sempre precisa do ombro dos gigantes para avistar mais longe...