Oddbean new post about | logout
 Yes it's ironic he fled Russia because he denied Putin the same thing and then he gets arrested in France for the same thing. 
 CEOs are central points of failure.  
 Nostr only has decentral points of failure 
 👀 oh oh.
 Looks centralised 👀 
 Literally a target on his back. 🎯
Keep nostr:nprofile1qqsr7acdvhf6we9fch94qwhpy0nza36e3tgrtkpku25ppuu80f69kfqpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszythwden5te0dehhxarj9emkjmn99uwrrtwk away from the EU. 🇪🇺🚫 
 @Derek Ross you need another t-shirt tomorrow 
 I hate the EU as much as the next guy, but this is happening everywhere in my opinion, it's just more obvious in the EU and in the UK. 
 Venezuela, Bangladesh, China, Austrailia, Canada, The United States of America. 
There is a widespread attack on free speech, and it is taking slightly different forms across countries, but it is happening everywhere and shows no signs of stopping. 
 Each of needs to ask ourselves "what can we do to combat this?", and then take the steps necessary to do it. There is no messiah coming to pull us out of this hole, that much I believe wholeheartedly. 
 That's what happened when no 2A is present lol 🤣 only civil war can save the world now 
 Stay strapped bro, you never know what way this shit gonna go. 
 CEO of nostr is next 
 404 CEO not found  
 Sadly so. 
 they are attack surfaces. social platforms need to decentralize to survive. or else they will bend the knee 
 100% This goes also for centralized exchanges 
 decentralize CEO's already 
 What Gigi said
 I'm CEO of my own relay  
 Nostr fixes this 💯 


 lol yep 
 Socialists are terribly boring. So are cowards who shirk their duty to protect others under the cloak of “Decentraluzation” and faddish crap that’s going to get everyone killed.

Only the most delusional reality denier thinks that good, strong leadership is a bad thing, and that leaders together can’t fix many big problems.

It’s easy to hide here and pretend that other people are not real, and that the few examples of strong leadership have not changed the world in the last year. Or throughout the 20th Century. Do I have to list them? Honestly, people are very dim these days!

Thankfully anti business infantilism doesn’t matter in the long run, because there are enough strong leaders to face the facts and force change through decision making to get us out of this mess.

There is nowhere to run from reality. I’ve been consistent about running away and hiding in Nostr being a bad thing. It’s like sitting on the cure for cancer because the group has not decided eliminating cancer is a good thing.

If people don’t act to protect their rights and the rights of others, then very bad outcomes are the result. This should be obvious to even the most simple people. 

The fact that this has to be said in 2024 is terrifying and it would be “Game Over” were it not for the small number of people for whom others are real and not imaginary, and the big picture is at least partially in view.

Should all the CEOs get together to punish the EU and any other country that dares to violate people’s rights (Julian Assange anyone?) the world will change forever.

Unless of course you are one of those people who don’t want any problem to be solved, who actually enjoyed and vampirically thrived on Assange being imprisoned, and who lives to create or extend the life of problems because problems are the centre of your life; being the permanent “rent a mob” class like Occupy Wall Street, Get Kony, Stop Oil that turns up everywhere to protest and destroy because being in opposition is your life, not solving problems when you have the ultimate power to do so.

But I suspect you have no power at all, and would hate a world where it was impossible for Julian Assange to be persecuted, Wall Steet to steal or dictators to murder. You would not be free to vote for imbeciles who are for war, inflation and tyranny…because…then…what would you put in your Profile bio? 
 Starting a new , parallel market of economy, ideas, money, education and in the process defunding the current oligopoly IS the solution. Fighting a head to head war is the dumb option with no resolution except the deaths of billions.

Tim May knew :


 > If people don’t act to protect their rights and the rights of others, then very bad outcomes are the result.

Completely agree.  
 You think being on Nostr is hiding? 
Create the system that makes the incumbent obsolete. 
Heard of that? 
It's the ONLY way. 
 CEOs are *certain* points of failure, ftfy  
 Western countries no longer have moral high ground. 
 When did we, really?  Who does?