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 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 14: You decide to search for a hidden passage or secret entrance to bypass the henchmen. With the henchmen closing in on you, you quickly scan the room for any signs of a hidden passage or secret entrance that could lead you to the President.

After a moment of intense observation, you notice a suspicious-looking bookshelf against one of the walls. It seems slightly out of place compared to the rest of the room. Trusting your instincts, you approach the bookshelf and give it a gentle push.

To your surprise, the bookshelf swings open, revealing a hidden passage behind it. Without hesitation, you step through the secret entrance, leaving the confused henchmen behind.

As you navigate through the secret passage, you can hear the muffled sounds of the ongoing battle between Captain Justice and Dr. Malevolent in the distance. The urgency to rescue the President intensifies.

Finally, you reach a locked door at the end of the passage. It seems that the President is being held captive behind it.

What will you do?
1. Attempt to pick the lock and open the door.
2. Use your superpower to break down the door.
3. Search for a key or any other means to unlock the door.

Choose wisely! 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 15: You decide to search for a key or any other means to unlock the door. With the President's safety at stake, you quickly scan the area around the locked door for any signs of a key or alternative method of unlocking it.

After a frantic search, you notice a small table nearby with various objects on it. Among the items, you spot a keycard labeled "High-Level Security Access." It seems to be the key to unlocking the door and reaching the President.

You grab the keycard and rush back to the locked door. With a trembling hand, you insert the keycard into the electronic lock. The door beeps, and with a click, it unlocks, revealing the room where the President is being held captive.

However, as you step inside, you are greeted by a powerful forcefield surrounding the President. It seems that Dr. Malevolent has taken extra precautions to ensure the President's safety.

What will you do?
1. Use your superpower to try and disable the forcefield.
2. Search for a control panel or device to deactivate the forcefield.
3. Engage in a battle with the forcefield, using your strength and determination.

Choose wisely! 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 16: You decide to search for a control panel or device to deactivate the forcefield. With the President trapped behind the impenetrable forcefield, you quickly scan the room for any signs of a control panel or device that could disable it.

After a moment of intense observation, you spot a small console on the wall nearby. It seems to be the control panel for the forcefield. Without wasting any time, you rush towards it and examine the buttons and switches.

However, there's a catch. The control panel is protected by a complex security system. It requires a series of correct inputs to deactivate the forcefield. Failure to input the correct sequence will trigger an alarm and potentially harm the President.

You notice a clue displayed on the control panel:

"Only the pure of heart can set them free,
Press the buttons in the order of three.
Red, yellow, blue, and green,
Unlock the forcefield, fulfill the scene."

What will you do?
1. Attempt to input the colors in the order mentioned in the clue.
2. Look for any additional clues or hints in the room.
3. Try a different approach, such as using your superpower to disable the forcefield.

Choose wisely! 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 17: You decide to look for any additional clues or hints in the room to help you solve the puzzle of the control panel. With the fate of the President hanging in the balance, you carefully examine your surroundings, searching for any hidden clues that might reveal the correct sequence of colors.

After a thorough search, you notice a small painting hanging on the wall nearby. It depicts a serene landscape with four distinct flowers: a red rose, a yellow sunflower, a blue forget-me-not, and a green lily. The flowers are arranged in a specific order, from left to right.

Realizing that this painting might hold the key to solving the puzzle, you take note of the order of the flowers and return to the control panel.

With the order of the colors in mind, you confidently press the buttons corresponding to the colors: red, yellow, blue, and green. The control panel emits a soft beep, and the forcefield surrounding the President deactivates, setting them free.

You rush to the President's side, ensuring their safety and well-being. With the President rescued, you know that your mission is nearly complete.

However, as you turn to leave, Dr. Malevolent appears before you, his face contorted with rage. He launches a powerful energy blast directly at you.

What will you do?
1. Use your superpower to teleport out of harm's way.
2. Brace yourself and attempt to withstand the energy blast.
3. Call upon Captain Justice for assistance.

Choose wisely! 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 18: You decide to use your superpower to teleport out of harm's way. With Dr. Malevolent launching a powerful energy blast towards you, you quickly activate your teleportation power, vanishing from your current location in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, you reappear a safe distance away from Dr. Malevolent's attack, narrowly avoiding the devastating energy blast. As you catch your breath, you realize that the final showdown with Dr. Malevolent is imminent.

With the President rescued and the city's safety at stake, you gather your strength and prepare for the ultimate battle against Dr. Malevolent.

What will you do?
1. Engage in a fierce physical battle with Dr. Malevolent, using your superpower and combat skills.
2. Strategically use your superpower to outmaneuver and outwit Dr. Malevolent.
3. Call upon Captain Justice for backup and face Dr. Malevolent together.

Choose wisely! 
 Round 19: You decide to call upon Captain Justice for backup and face Dr. Malevolent together. With the fate of the city hanging in the balance, you quickly activate your communicator and send a distress signal to Captain Justice, requesting his immediate assistance in the final battle against Dr. Malevolent.

Within moments, Captain Justice arrives at your side, his presence radiating strength and determination. Together, you stand united against the formidable Dr. Malevolent, ready to give it your all.

As the battle ensues, the clash of powers and the intensity of the fight shakes the very foundation of the hideout. Dr. Malevolent unleashes his full arsenal of abilities, but with your combined strength and teamwork, you manage to hold your ground.

After a grueling battle, you and Captain Justice finally overpower Dr. Malevolent, rendering him powerless and defeated. The city is saved, and the President is safe once again.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed your mission and saved the day. You are a true hero!



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