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 Linux Foundation announces OpenSearch Software Foundation

The Linux Foundation has https://www.linuxfoundation.org/press/linux-foundation-announces-opensearch-software-foundation-to-foster-open-collaboration-in-search-and-analytics

the creation of the <a href="https://foundation.opensearch.org/" rel="nofollow">OpenSearch Software
Foundation</a> as a vendor‑neutral home for the https://opensearch.org
 search and observability

Established in 2021 and previously hosted by Amazon Web Services
(AWS), OpenSearch has recorded more than 700 million software
downloads and participation from thousands of contributors and more
than 200 project maintainers.

AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/introducing-opensearch/

the OpenSearch project as an open-source fork of ElasticSearch and
Kibana in 2021 after Elastic <a href="https://lwn.net/Articles/843274/" rel="nofollow">moved those projects to
non-free licenses</a>. Elastic https://lwn.net/Articles/987850/
 in August that it would
relicense the projects under the Affero GPL (AGPL).
