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 Myth busted then. Got to get rid of food (won't happen) in that case seal with coarse stainless steel wool 
 I live next to a natural reserve we get some every fall 
 What if you just put poison where they live, outside your house 
 I am way over on the passivist spectrum. I live trap the drive 5km to another nature area. They get a stern talking to but that's it, I mean my house is warm & dry I don't blame them 
 Hey I do not support that. Just because they are relatives of Mickey Mouse doesn’t mean they are nice. You know they would eat us alive if they had the chance. I put a glue trap and stomped a baby mouse one time. brooklyn what a dump 
 My cat would start with eating my eyes if it had the chance. Only mosquitoes get my wrath as they try to eat me constantly. 

I understand they are harbingers of disease but we shall live & let live 
 Laying poison is a bad move. You can end up poisoning all sorts, especially the cat that's supposed to be catching the mouse, which as @wedge social points out, a cat is far from the dead cert killer we are all led to believe as kids! I have spotted mice before my cat. 

We are the apex predator but we can be kind about infestations. Don't give pests a reason to move in. The place I live now was wasp infested, rat infested and ant heaven when I moved in. I haven't killed one and they have pretty much all gone. 

For mice, block up gaps from outside. That tip about steel wool is a good one, or rolled up hardware cloth around entry points for pipes. They hate the smell of mint. I have a big bunch hanging up. 

Don't leave food lying around. 

I view cats as a deterrent, not a last line of defence. Have them for patrolling, putting rodents off settling down. And a dog patrolling too. We have a big hound it is a killer and the rats know it, another reason for them to keep out the way! A 35kg dog is no good for attic duty though :) 

Last resort is humane traps to get them out and dropped off in a new locale. The thing is, we are the pest when we set up shop in a house in a field or equivalent. We can do better than just kill everything.  

 "We are the pest" is too true 
 This is woke btw 
 I think your in the wrong conversation if this is yer thinking 
 We are the reason anything has meaning or value 
 Bro fuck the mice kill everything I don’t care about the other animals, and you should kill them why put them back stomp their fucking heads in 
 This is spot on. My dad used to put out poison and killed his own dog when it got out. Can only imagine what other poor creatures he murked along the way. 

Look up “bucket trap” it’s a way to catch mice simply and effectively without any poison. 
 Oh if you have dogs then you can’t do it that’s for sure, or if there are kids running around, the bait needs to be in boxes