Oddbean new post about | logout
β–² β–Ό
 Yeah !!!
The second pic.  Three in a row on the t-shirt (like your mallers shirt). 
 (Dorsey Shirt!) 

I’m gonna gib it a try rn n see how it comes out, I made dis one rn tho, don’t really like it.. I think ur idea of 3 in a row like the Dorsey one is a guud idea!! https://i.nostr.build/B3qfVQ9bACMcFKaS.png  
 i suck @ designs, this was best i could do with 15 mins https://i.nostr.build/TVzPBwuqsmZWkINz.png https://i.nostr.build/fGs9NMEU7mk2y0Cu.png  
β–² β–Ό
 I like the three cathies but try it with the B's all over 
β–² β–Ό
 Quietly one of the best designs I've ever seen 

This didn't get the credit it deserved  
 I’ve always been my worst critic πŸ’€

Appreciate that Jor πŸ«‚ 
β–² β–Ό
 Get off his nuts