@:netbsd: Nishi @theo h. mann @buy robux today :ROBUX: @surk... lmao, ok maybe Im a bit harsh, tell me about cool japo stuff
@3d35eac4 @theo h. mann @buy robux today :ROBUX: @surk... based party (LDP) we eat raw fish we can eat raw egg (but y'all cannot bc you do not have a good management abt eggs!!!) we can drink the water from the tap just fine, same reason w/ egg foods are yum unlike some countries in europe we killed koreans/chinese (based)
@:netbsd: Nishi @theo h. mann @buy robux today :ROBUX: @surk... you might as well eat my cock raw too
@3d35eac4 @theo h. mann @buy robux today :ROBUX: @surk... it is not a food
@:netbsd: Nishi @theo h. mann @3d35eac4 @buy robux today :ROBUX: some Germans would disagree
@surk... @theo h. mann @3d35eac4 @buy robux today :ROBUX: i forgot they mae sausages