When you are #fasting, your body will panic and start to find stored #glucose wherever it can. It finds the glucose in muscle tissue, which weakens as the glucose is transported to the cells that need it. Not great, but seemingly necessary in the moment. But, in parallel, your body will start to ask "should I be using something else for energy than glucose? Something that not only won't be cut off so easily (this has happened many times before!), but also offers even more energy density than glucose?" This is #ketosis, and your body uses #ketones in your fat tissue primarily for energy over the glucose in your muscles. It won't (can't really) stop using glucose, but it won't need to destroy muscle to get at th glucose faster than you can regrow the muscle! Anyone else think this arrangement works remarkably well? Anyone else see an analogous dynamic between #fiat currency (glucolysis, short-term, risky, reactionary) and #bitcoin savings (ketosis, long-term, sustainable, not *fully* sufficient)? Sometimes I get the feeling that these emergent systems are screaming to be kept in balance by players like us who, by cosmic chance, find ourselves interacting with them here and now. Maybe it's just me being a bit too abstract 🤷♂️
Not abstract. I stack BTC three times a week DCA but not too much each time. I have a lot of cash from profits in overbought stocks offset by losers to defray taxes. Oversold high quality stocks to buy are not plentiful, why Buffet sits on so much cash. I design my stacking to go on for the foreseeable future because my bet is BTC is in its infancy. I also watch my diet seriously with an eye on low carb/calorie and ketosis. I am successful at placing my weight at wherever I want it to be. My wife sees this as starvation but I see it as total control of my well being. To me, it’s a simple matter of redistribution and I get positive results. It’s the same thing with BTC, redistribution out of decaying fiat into something with a bright future which works. Nice post you made, Thank You for that.