I choose to attribute bitcoin touching $50k to Jack’s choice of t-shirts.
He wore the same shirt last year ;-)
Best #Superbowl Ad. By far.
Jack needs to wear a $USD t-shirt so we can stack some more
I choose to attribute it to Biden's laser eyes.
So do I.
imagine if he was wearing a nostr shirt :)
@jack next year ?
next block?
Imagine if he was wearing a rosstrich shirt https://image.nostr.build/86051753dbe8183774eed96e90968b1b59c37ff9b1f395709a8eefe40a722fa3.jpg
Can’t unsee it. I’m trying. Can’t.
relays would literally be on fire right now.
End of the world better 🤷
ffs that needed a warning
it really does.
Anything going on? 💎
Who blew the room? 🫶🏻
😱 Imma have nightmares now.
开vpn链接SXTB市场 https://www.okx.com/cn/web3/marketplace/inscription/ordinals/token/SXTB 公司联名匿名股东铭文 英文名称:SXTB(BRC20) 中文名称:双信通宝 发行总量:2100张铭文。 总供应量:2100万 单次铸造上限:1万 创建时间:2024/01/26 16:45:23 部署铭文ID: 700758676014b513fb662e1256f322b4e95ecb4d9acbdd42e14166f65f7c62a9i0 起始铭文编号#57422775 结尾铭文编号#60280983 SXTB是基于 ordinals 协议在比特币区块链上部署和Mint的 BRC20,铭文替代股权BRC20代币 SXTB于 2024年 01月26日部署,2月9日18:47:24Mint完成,历时15天,消耗比特币gas75000元人民币左右 公平分发,它秉承区块链去中心化,人人皆股东,人人都是项目方,双方信任通商的宝贝,无主权的开源社区共识精神。 🎉🎉SXTB是什么? 双信通宝loge SXTB铭文替代股权 1:文字代表公司 2:B代表现代中心体系 3:白色代表去中心的纯粹 4:淡蓝色代表蓝海市场广阔 5:圆形和方框代表古代货币体系符号 6:中心黑黄色代表黑暗和光明斗争的四面楚歌 匿名股东身份铭文龙头 社区铭文龙头 BRC20赛道龙头 线下多个知名社区联合打造,带领大家提前布局BRC20铭文赛道! 其目标是打造比特币匿名股东生态铭文 第一大社区! 优势分析:人无股权不富,马无夜草不肥 铭文之王,永不归零,唯有升值 🎯BTC 拥有强大共识,有全球数亿信众,2024年比特币减半,美国比特币ETF即上市,带来比特币生态巨大机遇 🎯SXTB铭文未来会拥有强大社区基础,联盟以线下社群为主,不断开发线下与线上 全网全覆盖布道 顺便打开国际市场 🎯SEC 反复强调 BTC 不是证券,是货币,BRC20 铭文替代股权才是真正的有价资产 🎯SXTB诞生在比特币链上,Mint在聪上,跟比特币永恒共存。除非比特币消失 手里一定要有SXTB铭文的10个理由: 1、铭文是本次牛市叙事的龙头 2、BRC20是最高热度的铭文链 3、市值只有几万美金;最早的先机 4、散户参与程度非常高 5、IP符合股权流通的中文形象 6、支持所有比特链BRC-20钱包 7、 单价低,适合新人的价位低 8、社区确定定位铭文替代股权 9、大户筹码共识高 10、社区共识度高 天生不服就干的精神
Have you tried the Ember Fund App? You Mine ⛏️ Bitcoin on your phone.
Bloody hell, someone tell him to stop. Need to stack more lower 😭
Hi, I am among the unfortunate victims of the FTX scam, a situation that has resulted in the loss of my entire savings, totaling around $20,000. The distressing aspect of this ordeal is not just the financial loss but the subsequent actions taken by SBF and Sullivan & Cromwell, the involved debtors. Following the success of their global heist, it appears that, rather than working towards justice for the affected customers, they are prioritizing their own interests, demonstrating a complete disregard for the well-being of those who have suffered. To witness such blatant exploitation of innocent people for personal gain is not only disheartening but also raises concerns about the moral and ethical compass of those involved. Their actions can only be described as mentally and spiritually sick, going beyond mere financial misconduct. The significance of this situation cannot be overstated for me, as the funds lost were an integral part of my financial stability. I am reaching out to you with the hope that you might consider extending a helping hand during this challenging time. Any assistance however small that you could provide to navigate through the complexities of this situation would be immensely appreciated. I believe in the power of collective compassion and the willingness of individuals to make a difference in the lives of those facing adversity. I understand that you may have your own commitments and limitations, but even the smallest gesture can have a meaningful impact. Thank you for taking the time to read my plea, and I sincerely hope that you may find it in your heart to offer assistance during this trying period. Your kindness will not be forgotten, and I am immensely grateful for any support you can provide. Lightning Address : appealforassistanceftxscamvictim@geyser.fund BTC : bc1q9vfmfwj6av9pxj50r6xyl652mwhqvw5ds86nw2
I read that there is a 1 day delay where ETF funds need to either buy or sell the underlying asset to sync up with paper transactions. How is it possible that there were massive ETF inflows yesterday but the price of BTC is not ticking up today?
The ETF market I only a portion of the market. ETFs can be buying while other entities like those trading on Coinbase could be selling. Plus, most market makers hedge the delay. They don’t just sit there short Bitcoin for a day. So the ETF inflows yesterday indeed affected the price yesterday.
that's a good choice
It definitely led me to buying that t-shirt 😅