Oddbean new post about | logout
 Very interesting commentary about narratives and themes

 Man, Destiny is just flat out despicable. 
 This is a form of mind control. I saw the exact same thing happen to Americans right after 9/11. 

The only other country that I ever saw this happening was in China. Over there, their minds are being controlled to be blindly against any and all religions. 

Covid too. Which was way worse on minds than 911 and aftermath 

A good friend of mine was in the marine corp during 911 and one of the first to go to Afghanistan.

He knows now all of it was a scam, but still cannot full grasp that 911 was just a preplanned pretext

He spent multiple years in Iraq and Afghanistan and had no idea about building 7!

So few critical thinkers out there 
 division will be employed/as usual & it sux! 
 Yes, I completely bypassed using covid and the deadly vaccines as an example for some reason. 
 I’m allergic to this kind of hate and it’s why I stay away from these platforms. Good writing.

I can very much relate.
«Ironically, perhaps, his last words are what the regime means to say to us all: Get down, or we will put you down.» 

This is Norway right now.
I got charged with «obstruction of justice» after I critiqued a local Lay judge for not doing his job proper in accordance with the values of a safe and fair democratic judiciary. He would only accept evidence admitted by the plaintiff, effectively not allowing the defendant to defend.

I voiced my opinion some time after the fact, as to not obstruct any ongoing justice. 

Now I’m going to this same court to stand trial, minimum sentence is jail time if found guilty.

Freedom of speech? 
Sorry we don’t sell that shit here. 
 Jesus. WTF.

The leftists in the US say prison in Norway is super fantastic though! Like a resort!

I bet that is also not true 
 Wtf indeed, I’ve been fed a big lat lie my whole life.
We were always thought that the good thing about Norwegian democracy was that any single person could make a difference. 
«If you see something, say something». 

So if you work for the public, you should expect the public to call you out on your bullshit, but as I’m apparently going to find out…
It doesn’t work like that. 

Compared to US prisons I think it’s true.

But from our point of view, it’s nothing like a resort.
It’s basically concentration camp with «nice» housing.
You learn to build benches and shit like that, rehabilitation they call it.
But the main objective is to punish by taking away your freedom and humanity.
So for those of us who have education, job experience and all that, as in not actually criminals, it’s straight up punishment.

When I can afford to leave, I’m leaving this country for good. 
 Come to North Carolina I’ll train you in long range rifle shooting! 
 Careful now, I might take you up on that offer!

Been looking at Canada for a while, I feel like it’s Norway on steroids, but liberal. I’d be there by now if it wasn’t for the insane housing market they got going. I was going so I already got a permit and everything. But the housing stopped me, it’s worse than Norway…. 
 excellent decision. Canadians are leaving now more than ever.  
 Down East NC is the best, visit a gun store , point at weapon that is illegal in 99% of jurisdictions and say “I’ll take that one” and pay and go home with it 
 This just sounds like crazy talk. 
Norway - to be able to own a gun that is not meant for hunting, you need to get e permit for that weapon and dyou need to be an active member of a shooting club, if not - you do not have a reason to own such a gun. And I think this is mostly pistols and small firearms, nothing too crazy. Nothing automated.

Now if you actually get a permit is not a given, they can just say «sorry but we don’t like your face». 
 You should see my collection. Small but functional 

And I make role and pistol ammo too