I built a psychological wall out of pillows so my cats don't have a UFC fight every 4am. Here I explain to my cat that she will have that side today and tomorrow she will have my legs. It worked 😸🧱😸😅 https://image.nostr.build/798720bcb3cfc53514aa2c45374564cc46a50a6115a3caaf6843d94d0249972d.jpg https://image.nostr.build/52b609f69bd0bfad1d15c35111f7f3eb390d1659cfcc1f1c1fdb326b6c489cc4.jpg #catstr #pipitaadventures #pateadventures
My theory about cats is that they need strong visual cues about where their territory is. My cat loves any kind on rug or mat because is signals a place for him to do xyz.
My theory is that orange cats have an evil gene. Beyond that they are loving 😂
lol my cat is mostly white, but orange in places. Maybe that’s where the load meow torture at 5:30 am comes from.
Uh oh - he heard me https://image.nostr.build/1be09fb209c84a2dabf4164514ebe141e9d98878b66a633656140785edaf30d1.jpg
It worked? https://media.tenor.com/FmDzvIy7aVkAAAAC/idontknowaboutthat-scuzzijacuzzi.gif
First night ✅