For a long time I thought investing in our era was hard and now I think it might be the easiest thing ever. Long real food Short fake food Long hard money Short soft money Long decentralized tech Short centralized tech Long science Short scientism Basically just find a 20th century institution that’s in decay and short it while longing its replacement.
Long Christ and Christ crucified Short atheism
Long atheism has never steered me wrong, my brother in Christ. (Huh??)
...that you yet know of. 🫣
If it does, how will I know?
This is the way
for me: Long craft your own cocktails Short just beer and wine Long good explanations for kids so they understand Short answers like "it is what it is" / "because I'm telling you so" Long cleaning your house and have oder Short your own laziness Long Sport and fitness! Short Couch potato
I find it interesting that one of the few people that I know of who's typically reasonable, thoughtful, and adequately level headed is a stranger from the internet who goes as HODL. What an odd world we live in.