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jack | 6 months ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +678 -1
 There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

 You should give away your fortune to poor ppl then. 
 No, I hate when people say stuff like "You are rich, you need to give it away." Jack worked hard for his money, besides he does zap people every day. 
 Be thankful for his good fortune 
 Bruv, he is using it to improve our lives g. Calm down sir/miss 
 What is this illogic? Bizarre mentality. See others work hard and succeed and use that as your motivator. Go forth, dream, think, work hard and implement. Do good and make change. Improve, innovate and reap rewards of work 
 Why would that make jack superior to his former self ??
And why do you think thay fiat money is the only measure of value ?? 
 Look to his former self for clues. 
 Jack is donating to stuff like OpenSats, which has much greater long term impact. 
 But look how that ended....
 Been superior to your fellow man is sad, a life of painfjll tolerance to inferior ones, this is sacrifice. The point is try to be best u can and find the best group in wich you are the most inferior. You will ever apreciate the life. 
 The Iterator > The Competitor 
 I wish #Bitcoin could read this quote so it doesn’t swing wildly from day to day and go up only 😆 
 No mo #onlyzaps for yas ?!? 
 moin moin cracker Jack 
 Only a fake deviant theme would go system ass, no?
Salieri prime being a good example 
 Jack, this quote is a great response to my question about how you can stay humble at all times. 
 I like this 👀 
 Superiority and inferiority only lives in the mind.   
 Self is just a thought. 
I have such a heart too (that still beats after it’s been butchered). 
 pee pee poo poo , pee poo 
 I’m going to ruin you, cunt. 
 I got one, too.
 your ego is showing b 
 Ever tried being humble to your former self?! 
 How would you describe your former self and how would you describe yourself now?! 
 Just men that applies to, or women and people identifying differently too..? 
 Hey Jack, is this place safe? 
 Wise words. Humans have a natural tendency to compare constantly to others. It’s a big mistake to feel superior to others, Hemingway was completely right. It took me years to realize this and stop doing it. 
 No human has superiority over another human. 
 If Hemingway was around today and a Bitcoiner he would addendum that with:

"But it is nice to flex once in a while" 
 Is there a religion where you worship your future self as a god. Any thing not in service of bringing worth this god version of yourself is punishable in some fashion by future you. Almost like a Roko's basilisk but you are the basilisk and the chances of you existing in the future are high
#grownostr #growself

 Just by beating yourself, you will win. 
 Continuous self improvement ftw?  Okay. 
 That’s a much more peaceful path🙏🏽 
 Hemingway was a Bitcoiner 
 Too bad he took his own life  
 I honestly don't get, why people are so "proud" of being rich, and poor people being are ashamed of being poor...
Like it's a metric of your human worth??? 
 Be proud of the efforts you have made and where you have climbed on the mountain. Then reach down and help someone else achieve their own greatness. 
 "Life sucks, you struggle and then die. Get over it. Just be better tomorrow than you were today. That's it.... And don't be an asshole."
- Old guy I met at a park  
 What would we call people that are more superior to themselves than other people? 
 Excellent wallet  bitkey jack . 
 Love 💕 this quotation. It’s so true. 
 Yes, but it is dishonorable being inferior to your fellow man. Especially being a fascist in disguise ready to follow Führer's orders anytime covid or ukraine or some nonsense like that kicks in. 
 An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person's main task in life - becoming a better person.

Leo Tolstoy 
 Beautifully said. 🫂 
 I love Hemingway. Seems everything he wrote is profound. 
 Its amazing he was balls drunk most of the time. 
 I had a friend who was a famous author… nominated for Pulitzer level &  wrote wildly famous books.  He was drunk most of the time as well. 
 Is there mobility is censoring your fellow man and manipulating elections while working for the CIA? 
 like a hamster 
 Those things are not mutually exclusive. 

Some of my fellow humans are sadly severely corrupted. There is nobility in avoiding their folly.

 Please read what I wrote to you via DM.
I hope you take the time to read it.🥰  
 Said another way, "You will be most happy focusing on others, not yourself."

 The Gain and The Gap 
 In support..
“If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.” -satoshi 
 Always strive for self improvement
 I compete against myself to see how much I can extend.  People often believe its me compteting against them, they are wrong.  
 true mobility is serving your fellow man #gifteconomy 
“All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power.”

― Lao Tzu

 No idea if this is the real jack but, ‘fuck it’ as they say. 
 It's the real Jack 
 OOP. My B. Sorry Mr. Dorsey 
 I mean It's understandable why you'd think he wasn't real since he chose not to be verified but do you really think a jack impersonater would have 200k followers on a brand new site lol 
 He used to run some called X apparently. From what I hear it wasn't very good. 
 Getting shared with our school tomorrow. 
Motto: Education for Nobility 

 “To be attached to a certain view and to look down upon other views as inferior - this the wise call a fetter.”

- Buddha 
 Did he mean it's ok to do terrible things as long as you then stop doing terrible things?  
 🙏 yes! 
 The brightest mindz vape alot of crystals apparently. ~41 
 Followed #plebchain 
 That's a great distinction. The ancient iChing does use that phrase quite a bit and I like to interpret it as Superior form of self within, the version of self realization, of higher self mastery, that is noble, honorable and integritous. 

You've striked me as humble @jack which in the world of ego driven sociopathic leadership is vastly Superior.  
 Or seeing through self as a mental construct. Great quote!