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 I think what #anarchism has always been missing is the ability for cost-effective and asymmetric defense of private property. 

No group of sovereign individuals has ever been able to defend themselves from centralized kingdoms or nation states. So they are subjugated. 

If technology can solve the asymmetric-private-property-defense-problem then anarchism will not only be possible but it will a lot of sense. 

Given this hard problem being solved by tech in the future: then all rules and organization under protected areas would be voluntary and opt-in. Markets would be regulatory mechanisms. Value creation the driver of all progress. Volunteerism and cooperation would be rule of law. No taxes or coercion or money printing to syphon away human life and productivity. 

With the advent of sound money (#Bitcoin ) and tech going very exponential, we may see this scenario come to fruition in our lifetimes. 
 anarchism isn't based in reality
there is no technical solution lol

 Of course it is. Anarchism at scale just needs a reliable way to keep criminals (governments, rulers or otherwise) from stealing private property and violating the non-aggression principle. This isn’t hard on a micro level but it’s been impossible at a macro level. 

It’s the 1% of sociopathic humans that gather power and fuck it up for the 99% who inherently cooperate. 

Many native societies largely operated on anarchist principles. There were vague hierarchies but members of societies were absolutely free to leave at any time if they didn’t like how they were being treated as well. There was very little commanding and a high degree of personal sovereignty, no taxes, and cooperation was the rule. No threat of violence for making your own choices. But they all had to be hardcore warriors to protect their shit from others. 
 "of course it is" doesn't work in a philosophical debate about the reality-matching of a political theory

nothing in the universe, as far as we know, operates in a way similar to anarchism  
 You are ignoring the tangible example I gave. 😂

Go out into the forest and tell me about all of the centralized governance you see there 😂🤣 
 you're gonna have to give specific examples of native societies that operated this way. And don't recite fairytales written by the romanticists of the 1800s lol

also, assuming you're right, and assuming they lasted any significant period of time (which none did)

"largely" anarchist with "vague" heirarchy isn't the same lol

and "free to leave" and live on your own never turned out too well unless you're okay with your sons fucking your daughters (eg eskimos)

 Read “the Cheyenne Indians” by Bird Grinell. They were one of the most successful native societies and were most analogous to anarchy in their social structure. This is a fact.

Again ignoring the example I provided. Nature is in a pure sense full anarchy but just pretend that’s not the case. 

Saying “study the universe” is trite, assumptive and completely lacks substance. You’ve not given one detailed example to support your weak claims despite the fact that nature is objectively anarchy in motion. 

Keep playing a victim and ignoring the information that proves your claims dead wrong. You’re not responding in good faith (muted) and demonstrably intellectually inferior. Keep playing the victim and pretending self determination is your boogie man while the world turns you out like an SF twink 😂😂 
 i have. that's a great reference. fascinating dude. gbg and his darwinist viewpoint avoid the noble savage problem and somewhere i think he says he had an "interest in watching the progress of the struggle" of the civilization of the savage. 

but you've obviously read him with an intent to find anarchist patterns lol.  you seem to have forgotten aboht the Contrary and the council of 44. not to mention family structure. 

i submit that individual freedom under law and a centralized government aren't mutually incompatible. if you're talking forests, look at dna and immune systems. look at mutual dependency of everything down to mycelium. i repeat, autonomy is a myth generated from the human god-complex

consider for a moment archism is evil. steelman my argument

 not tangible lol go buy a dictionary 
 tell me you know nothing about biology without telling me you know nothing about biology 

 1% 99% is a made up lie

i'd submit that under adverse conditions (ie earth) most humans aren't capable of living well. 
 We live well when we cooperate for mutual benefit. Right now we have a parasitic class oppressing everyone else. Anarchy still promotes cooperation. It just says 'no' to any would-be rulers who don't produce value but steal from the community.  
 Small minds demand something isn’t possible with no regard for the exponential nature of technology or understanding of history. You’ll be left behind in your little state-propaganda-created prison of a mind. 
 study the universe

escape the taught trap of self-determinism  
 A relative promised to give me everything he owns if we ever saw a libertarian/anarchist region come to existence. I really hope we see that while I’m still somewhat young. 
 I think we will see it. It’ll be a city / state somewhere who has asymmetric defense tech. Drones + sophisticated compute that can 100% protect from any incoming projectiles and likely the ability to deliver nuclear warheads in retaliation. Or something like that. Something that hasn’t been possible previously. 
 Seems like a lot of centralization is necessary to coordinate something like that 🤔 
 Anarchism doesn’t mean there are no rules. It means rules are created in an organic grassroots fashion by free humans, and enforced by private means via cooperation, and that they are opt-in / opt-out in nature. 
 Bro, you smoked crack, none of it will prevent from some crazy gangs like mad max.

Anarchism and statism is like Yin and Yang… 
 Yeah gangs of people in communities who work and trade together will prevent gangs of criminal as well as private security. It’s really simple. 
 back to your main point:

any technology this group can use
can be used against them
by definition 
 Yes exactly. 

The goal is to eliminate the asymmetry, not eliminate the tools. 
 I don't know... too many imagine how can anarchism replace our huge countries and their governments. An anarchist society is a little larger than a tribe. The question stops being how do you defend from the United States of America and rather how do you defend this anarchist neighbourhood. 
 Anarchist societies could be quite large (think city-states with millions of residents or large rural counties) and private defense is a cornerstone of the anarchist structure. Private defense contractors are very effective, much more than police today. 
 Because they can loose the contract if they abuse the citizenry or abdicate their duty?  
 When you don’t do well at your job you don’t get paid and you don’t get repeat clients. Private security has been a very successful model globally for millennia.