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 Interesting takes by levels.io on lex fridman in the context of being a diginal nomad:

“Freedom doesn’t make you happy, constraints do” -levels

“I am free thats why i am lost” - kafka

Freedom is pretty great, but constraints (family, kids, relationships) keep us locked in and focused. Thats how i interpreted it at least. 
 it was such a great podcast

what time do you get up?


lol, making half a mil a month too 
 I’m both free and constrained and it’s f’d. 
 "Freedom through discipline"

So much truth to that 
 As a digital nomad myself I have experiences the Paradox of Choice as well 🥲

If you have so much freedom, there is so much more possible, that you can drown in options..! 
 Yep. When I'm hiking I have next to no possessions and very few choices about which actions to take. This paradoxically makes me feel more free. 
 Absolute freedom is total fucking chaos. Anyone who isn’t a total psychopath has constraints and applies restraints. 
 Food, water, (energy) and arguably shelter are core basic constraints. Ask any lifeform. 
 Sociopaths replace restraint with constraint. 
 The freedom to choose constraints makes us happy, not constraints.

Forced constraints makes us miserable. 
 if the constrains were accepted without force and they challenge and focus you, thats the ideal. 
 Yes, also the more you identify with in the world the more freedom you have. Being a nihilist and not being bound by things is the loss of freedom because there is no prescription for choice.  
 'constraints' can be replaced with 'responsibilities' 
 a good artist becomes great with constraints  
 In 'the metamorphosis of prime intellect' and 'a casino oddysea in cyber space' an AGI is born that transports humanity into cyber space (BC rule 1: don't let humans die).

Once there they have a limitless existence and lose all meaning.

They artificially constrain themselves to have any fun or meaningful experience  
 There is no such thing as complete freedom. 

We can have more freedom or less freedom. 

Having more freedom gives us more possibility to choose a path in life that makes us happy. 

Constraints will result from our choices, so we should strive to make wise ones. 

Some constraints we don't choose, but there we have to choice to either fight to remove them or to learn to live with then.  
 Not sure I’d consider family and kids as constraints. They can free a person from selfishness and aimlessness 
 that one hurts 
 I see Bukowski, I zap. 
 There lies the beauty of choice and perception 
 That's worse than loneliness. That's meaningless. Just no meaning to life at all. Much worse imo 
 "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose." - Roger Miller 
 Kris Kristofferson? 
 Oh... yes! Thank you 
 Depends on your point of view and what you want in life 

But in my mind being single is better than a bad relationship.

But the above does not compare to a loving family and a wonderful life with the right person 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 (not easy to do)  
 Therein lies the double edged sword 
 Well, I guess it's like having free speech, but finding no one who wants to listen. 
 Freedom is the ability to choose which constraints apply to your life in order to achieve your own goals, rather than goals imposed by others. 
It's about self-imposed discipline - training your mind to decide the depth and breadth of your life experiences. 
 I would respond by saying that you are blind if, in the morning, you fail to witness the sun rise, if at night you do not behold the moon and stars, and if you feel disconnected from God, who lights your path. 
 Freedom is a double-edged sword. It offers the opportunity to shape every moment according to one's desires, yet without the ability to integrate this freedom into meaningful relationships and experiences, it can lead to loneliness. True freedom requires not just the absence of constraints but also the capacity to take responsibility for one's choices and to nurture genuine connections with others. In this sense, the question is not merely a distinction between freedom and loneliness but a call to reflect on how we utilize and cultivate our freedom. 
 That truly friends on your state of mind - there is a huge difference between solitude and loneliness - one is a choice the other is painful.

I’m grateful for my children every single day! 
 I generally agree with that. And  @jack mallers highlighted it on the his episode of WBD by pointing out that the finitude of life is what gives it urgency to get shit done now rather than later or never.

To any extent that I have success now in my mid-career, I point a lot of it to my early constraints which were outside of my control. Was homeless as a kid, then grew up in a trailer park, then financed my education through student loans with no family bailout if things go sour. So I had a lot of good things qualitatively (love, support, good values, family and friend experiences, etc), but also a lot of financial uncertainty quantitatively. It was all numbers and constraints by the time I hit college.

So I had to be super serious about college performance, super serious about doing side jobs to pay for it and gain new skills in doing so, super serious about landing good internships and succeeding at them, super serious about my post-college full-time employment, and super-serious about building side hustles alongside my career, which eventually became all of the financial research that I do now.

What I do today in all likelihood would not exist if I were more comfortable and free when I was younger. Those initial constraints were a huge boost. Like an initial cold plunge into life.

It wasn't so extreme that I was like, doomed and without lifelines. Instead it was the right amount of constrained of being shot out of a cannon, but with with like a parachute and a map on where to land.

Can't replicate that. Just have to be thankful for it. Being given the right blend of freedom and responsibility goes a very long way. If tilted too far in either direction, it can become restrictive.

I think we just have to lean into our constraints and try to be thankful for them and learn from them, and also lean into our freedoms and try to be thankful for them and learn from them. 
 Sounds like something people with kids and constraints would say 😂  
 before my kid I had so much more time and yet I wasted it. a kid makes you realize how precious time is so now I don’t squander it. kid had made me more productive even though i have less time 🤔 
 They're most definitely motivators and if  maximising productivity is your aim then kids and responsibilities will force you into it. Our own internal state will determine whether freedom is liberating or lonely for us. 
 3 more sentences on this please.
 Don’t forget the patience 
 Constraints you sign up for at least. 
 At a fundamental level, one aspect of happiness can be described as a feeling of relief or contentment. This suggests that happiness often accompanies or follows periods of challenge, effort, or even suffering.

So to feel happy, we sometimes need to, for example, set up constraints or make a sacrifice first. One cannot exist without the other; otherwise, it would even be difficult to differentiate between the two.

Realization of that has given me much more strength to overcome difficulties. 
 I think the ability to express freedom of voice of the things you submit to is the key here,  as it is only through the submission(discipline) to a higher goal that we can achieve higher callings.  
 freedom cope #constraints #freedomsux lex is trapped in a romantic comedy world.

 Meh, they wouldn't be the first to choose the wrong person or try to justify it afterward. 
 Interesting observation. I’ve seen friends and family suffering from depression, anxiety, uncertainty etc. and they’re either people without a spouse /  kids / set idea on what they want to do with life.

Point is we need something (meaningful) to anchor ourselves to reality or else the brain just goes absolutely crazy 
 I am free that’s why I am lost is such a 1st world problem lol. Around 80% of the people in the world have constraints so they can’t even reach this stage, sad 
creating family don't take away your freedom as you FREEWILLINGLY DECIDE to start one

 Constraints are what get us up, in the morning. They're what give our lives purpose. Freedom is given to us, so that we have the tools to fulfill our purpose. Knowing what your purpose is, is energizing and gives you mental clarity.

That's why "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are tied together. Happiness is when you achieve your goals and fulfill your purpose, and look back in satisfaction.

 I see these takes too often for comfort, frequently directly associated with some kind of institutional orthodoxy. Human self awareness already contains all vital constraints, anything else can dynamically arise and cease in context, and certainly needs no superimposed ideology of self limitation, or self humiliation. 
 This is the correct natural understanding of freedom, which is itself sadly misunderstood by most, making it seem profound when it is understood in this way. Freedom drives all, and is superior to all, even if your natural perspective deceives you.

 Freedom is the ability to choose which constraints apply to your life in order to achieve your own goals, rather than goals imposed by others. 
It's about self-imposed discipline - training your mind to decide the depth and breadth of your life experiences. 
 Taking on responsibility will lead you to freedom 
 The path of maximum responsibility provides maximum adventure 
 People thrive when they are clear on the framework and limits they need to work within. Scope matters 
 I think people need something hard to work on to thrive. Could be a family, raising kids, building something, etc, it just need to be hard work. I guess you could call that "constraints" but I interpret it more as "hard work". 
 Was a very interesting episode. I also really enjoyed listening to it. The experience was great, and the narration was very easy and interesting to follow. 
 Sounds like nazi german quotes to me ... 🤷‍♂️

Complete bullshit ! 😂🤣😭🥱🥱

From an indoctrinated apple user probably can not expect more...

People must be very confused when it comes to freedom...  
 Reading, resting, thinking, listening, watching,  imagining , are those constraints ? Because whatever they are , they can bring great happiness. 
 Finititude of life ? Energy is neither created or destroyed, we are energy. We are forever. Just try and be decent. 
 The question everyone needs to ask themself is: which contains make my feel alive? 
 I thinking the key here is that who or what agent puts those constraints and are they arbitrary or not 
 You can't be a "digital nomad" when you have so-called constraints.. 
 yes. family trip 
 So there you are, and accommodation quite on the subject and you find yourself in a position to make homeless testing affordable.

They’ve got free coffee too 
 For a better now 
 Agreed. This works when you already have your bearings in place. 
 Never really thought about like that. Excellent point 
 The boundaries we choose 🤝 
 In Buddhism, taking “refuge” is finding freedom from what will never make you happy.  To the outside world, it seems like constraints.  But to the student, it’s a form of freedom.  My guess is that there is a form of this in every spiritual tradition. 
 Such a nice quote from Kafka. We need meaning most of all, whether it comes from the freedom to do things we like or the commitments we have with our loved ones. 
 Constraints are fine if they are self imposed. 
 I didn’t know who levels was prior to that podcast, but thought it was a really good talk 
 This is also something that many dont understand about art. But I remember there was a day in film school with one of my favorite professors and we spent the entire class talking about it.

Freedom in creativity leads to indecision and feeling overwhelmed. When you leave yourself too many options, you don't have direction. Which is why its often best to be given a very restrictive prompt, or to just start writing **something,** because as soon as you put down any idea, you've constrained your world, you introduce a problem and an environment, and now you have to find your way out of it.

In other words., restriction and limitation are actually the mother of creativity. 
 Parameters and boundaries and healthy. Discipline > motivation. 
 stockholm syndrome 
 I’m sorry, but how does this relate to stockholm syndrome? 
 Love your servitude 
 I don’t think you understand the concept, that’s not what the limitation/creativity dichotomy is about. It’s about direction and focus. If I stub my toe and that inspires me to create a chair leg that you can’t stub your toe on, it isn’t because I got stockholm syndrome with the chair. 
 i do not believe in that
i believe in freedom
all innovation/creativity comes from freedom
not from restrictions/limitations 
 Striving to collapse the wave function at all times! 
 Musashi Miyamoto said: "Be indifferent to where you live". This indifference gives you real freedom. 
 My kids and my family are not my constraints, they are my reason for breaking through all my self imposed limitations 💯

If I demonstrate by travelling as a family, that it isn't hard, I won't pass that bs belief on to my kids. I also am fortunate to travel on a good passport- so recognise international travel isn't as straightforward for everyone. Travel is my freedom. 

The key is actually in challenging our own beliefs- our beliefs are the biggest constraints. Freedom is often created from within ✨