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 Dude and diapers party first time I heard of that. Thank you 🙏 
 If you live in the US: not a huge fan of Walmart but the Sam’s Club plus membership ships a great diaper for a reasonable cost (Pampers and Huggies are good but $$) and the membership paid for itself in diapers alone.  Worth it if you live close enough to get the gas too. 

Good luck buddy - it’s an awesome trip and you can look forward to a 3 yo asking to buy money (Bitcoin) nearly every night! 
 Thank you for the info. I already  started a dca. Stacking for him daily 😂 
 Lucky kid! I need to start a DCA stack for them…been doing it myself a ‘general future fund’ and a large stack when they were born. I need to look closer at the Alby sub account to see if that would work for me. 
 I have been just DCA on River and when it hits a certain point I withdraw to onchain address. If lightning channels rarely ever forced closed I'd open a channel swap out completely and stack slowly into that channel but sadly I have had a terrible time on lightning with force closes so stacking via lightning for me is a no go. 
 I’ll explore it a bit more and let you know if I find a good way to do it via lightning. We must be early because it seems like there should be a ‘easy’ solution but I’m positive I’m missing nuance.