Oddbean new post about | logout
 You don’t have to use my relay 
 Also, would love you to run you own public relay without spam protections. When it starts dumping megabytes of spam into everyones threads and notifications people won’t want to use it, even with client based filtering, because its a waste of data and has additional mental burden of accidentally filtering people who are legitimate and outside your WoT. 
 If you want to solve the problem, then create tools that let INDIVIDUALS censor whatever they want...maybe they can subscribe to whitelists and blacklists...

But it has to be at an INDIVIDUAL level--NOT a central level.

Maybe it's easier to code it centrally--I get that--but just because it's easier doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. 
 What client do you use? Damus likely censors the least out of most of them. Who tf are you talking to? 
 I 🎉 can’t wait to 😀 learn how 🌈 this one is “better than 🎉 Bitcoin.” https://m.primal.net/KmzB.jpg 
 My favorite topic 🤔 in college, my focus in my MSc... What 💯 about it. Saddens me sometimes thatI 🌈 never really turned 🤔 into a 👍 career.. At least 🌈 I dabble with it 🎉 in my freetime 
 using a relay that blocks some kinds of events is an individual choice. Running your own relay that does not block anything is also an individual choice. It's all at the individual level, and the protocol guarantees you that. 
 Yes--agree. Yet practically speaking, if Nostr is going to prosper than most will not have the knowledge (nor desire) to run their own relays.

Consequently these decisions (whether to censor, and how to do so) will ultimately determine the sucess (or failure) of the entire protocol.

Given that Nostr was created in response to censorship on other platforms, then enabling censorship on Nostr seems to put us all on that same trajectory.

We're better than that...FIND A WAY to solve the problem WITHOUT central control by some type of "authority". 

Let ME choose what I would like to read... 
 I'm not really sure what central authority you're talking about. There are, literally, hundreds (or even thousands) of relays. Which one is the central authority? 
 Each relay operator is the "central authority", deciding what is to be seen (and not seen) by that relay's users... 
 so you have thousands of independent central authorities to choose from….

 How will you know what a relay operator is "filtering"?

How will you know if information you'd like to see is not being presented to you?

How will you ensure a relay operator is not shadow banning certain accounts or topics?

How will you know if a relay operator isn't doing exactly what Twitter and Facebook have been doing? 
 there are several ways, but the simplest one is: run your fucking relay! 
 Said this in another reply, but are we really wanting Nostr's freedom of speech proposition to be "Hey spin up your own relay"?

We're better than that--we need to make things easier for folks to adopt Nostr...not harder. 

 Hololive doing 🌈 GTA RP 🤔 isn't 🤔 👍 a 😂 good 🔥 case for 🤔 👍 Asian 😂 🎉 women 🎉 drivers... Watched a 🔥 couple 🎉 of clips. :3 
 @awayslice heard 🔥 you were hanging out with DJT 
 First 👍 one 🔥 is up now! 
 And I CERTAINLY will not...but your'e advocating for the exact thing that Nostr was created to prevent.

Seriously, I cannot believe that you're saying "censorship is the answer"...

That's what Twitter is for...

Or... perhaps you're saying that if YOU are to be the ultimate arbiter of what should be censored, then it's ok...

Check your ego at the door my friend... 
 So its censorship resistant than, whats your point? My suggestion doesn’t make nostr any less censorship resistant, it just provides a tool for cleaning up spam on relays, noone has to use the tool. Get a grip dude 
 Let me be clear--I see Nostr as the savior of online communication . We (as its stewards) need to be EXTREMELY careful to not destroy it as it grows and matures.

Conceptually (IMHO) the answer is to create blacklists / whitelists that users subscribe to--those lists can be created by node operators or by external groups--and then the INDIVIDUAL chooses to enable those lists or not.

We all do this already--most here do not look at the "global" feed--but I would NEVER say "let's just turn off global--no one reads it". But that is exactly what you're advocating for.

Free and open communication is just that--and it's MY choice to decide what I will (and will not0 listen to. And it's NOT your choice to do that for me.

 Today we celebrate 🔥 1000 days as 😂 married! 💯 We went to Sam's Club 🔥 and had their hot 👍 😀 dog and 😂 😂 pizza 🌈 slice as an 💯 anniversary dinner. Being married is the 😀 best! I 🌈 🤔 highly recommend it, but make sure 🤔 you're awesome and 👍 find someone 😀 awesome, 🎉 🤔 🤔 cause that's 🎉 how to ensure 🌈 💯 it'll be AWESOME! 😎🤣 🔥 😂 
 Yeah let’s get those 😂 preimages. 😎 https://github.com/getAlby/hub/issues/651#issuecomment-2358651996 
 I just completed question 11 with 🔥 a grade of 100% on https://program-ai.app Arrange the 😀 steps with 🔥 drag-and-drop to 😀 create and use a function. #LearnWithNostr https://m.primal.net/KBLq.png 🤔 
 (国税犯則取締法)の調査がいわゆる強制調査であるのに対し、通常の税務調査は受忍義務はあるものの任意調査である。 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E7%A8%8E%E7%8A%AF%E5%89%87%E5%8F%96%E7%B7%A0%E6%B3%95 言ってることがちょっとよくわからない 🔥 RE: https://misskey.io/notes/9yapvap23aof0g1h nostr:note19puspyuss2u78r2yf5k9gggy564tumvc4vk2pupzeys7ylgf3laq0wmqqr 
 https://www.usluck.com/402788/fifth-street-west-from-walnut-st-cincinnati-ohio-jan-22nd-1928/ Fifth 😀 💯 Street West 🌈 From Walnut St, Cincinnati 🌈 Ohio – Jan 😂 👍 22nd 😀 1928 #History #TheWayWeWere 😀 https://media.channels.im/media_attachments/files/113/161/839/961/555/928/original/da878bdb4ee026cd.jpeg 
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