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Gigi | 15 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +105
 Love it. "Inflationary money not accepted." https://image.nostr.build/b87261fd41de49195a541f77a91363870e4d43587b9949179a8089ab5fa29627.jpg 
 are you in paradise? 🏝️ 
 Change the framing 🤌 
 This should be the standard  
 My wife and I would like to open a coffee shop in the coming years. We will accept fiat, but I do imagine the baristas saying, "Ew... government money..." and rolling their eyes.

"Bitcoin preferred here."

The best money. The honest money. 
 I dream of either a coffee shop or a fitness center where I put up a big bold sign that says "20% discount if pay in BTC" 
 Mine will say, "marks of the beast not accepted" 
 h/t @Partykoch 
