NEW: 🇺🇸 US Federal Government interest payments officially exceed $1 TRILLION 😱
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Fiscal dominance is when fiscal policy (govt) overwhelms anything monetary poli y (central banking) can do. Next steps are monetization of debt or severe austerity with a 10-25x increase in bank reserve requirements nostr:nevent1qqsxt86t87kjn4tsklvxqn7uqzkch2sn9r98nxuavnjp9yprazq637spz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzvuhsygr9jmgqrhy7uzhfhy5s0hysq4rzpxz2ygfcn2y73mx5vcyyfc09a5psgqqqqqqsvuzp4z
gradually and then suddenly
Who's FRED?
Gold is going to go to the moon!
1tz = 1tz USD is going into the gutter (along with other fiats)
Hahahaha, the impending debt death spiral is going to be fucking awesome.
Now weimar have I seen that graph before? 🤔