If any person of color believes they have the right to harm me because of slavery in the 17th and 18th centuries, they should get a time machine and go back to those years to find the people responsible. I don't owe you anything, and I haven't done anything against you; I've shown you extreme kindness. It is good to restrain yourself. My tolerance of your behavior is not out of a sense of debt. you think i'm guilty because some children who act like Nazis comment on my posts. This does not give you the right to abuse me or show superiority. I have tolerated you more than I have tolerated nazi spermatozoid, and now I am showing you what it means to be treated equally.
It's offensive to call Internet crowd nazis. Real nazis actually took control of a large industrial base, and fixed artificial scarcity of food. In the same way as real slaves did actual work.
I can't give them any credit as long as they were killers.
Killing is cooler than shitposting on chans and twitter.
Go to the priest and express this idea; I don't have any experience with exorcising demons from people's bodies.
Priests exorcise the elasticity out of boys' rectums
If you're lucky, you might find someone to cast out your narcissistic demons.
You seriously don't see how killing certain humans would be beneficial for you? That's the mentality of the ruling class. The ones who spread the yidophilic idea of demons
If you were one of those people, it could be really beneficial
You finally got it 😀
Progress marches one funeral at a time
No, seriously, don’t have any illusions that I would stain my karma with blood for a species like yours.
Really you're hesitating because of some number in the reddit database?
because the jail still exists
But if you could pay your way out, killing is an option.
As long as there are people like you who lack the power to change the law, there will be more illogical thoughts.
Breaking them is the first step towards change
entry justice is the only step towards change
Justice is quite boring. Just like the race tensions. Where is the real energy? I wanna be there. Everyone is so afraid. I'd much prefer a short race war to get this done. Illogical for sure, but animals don't follow rules. The elite of humans remain undomesticated, and thus wild.
Excellent comment. Keep telling it like it is!