Feels like memes won the election. Candidates unironically have to be positively meme-able to be successful going forward. And in particular, candidates can’t have the vibe of an HR manager that would call you into the office to talk about your inappropriate memes. Trump is meme-able. Obama was meme-able. Even Biden had his Dark Brandon meme but otherwise was not great on that front. Kamala is totally not meme-able. https://m.primal.net/LuYw.jpg
Dork Brandon 😒
Interesting take, hard to disagree too 😉
Millennials breathe on memes 🫡
Zeitgeist won the election. It all just aligned. Shitshows only grow stronger until they explode.
#im14andthisisdeep https://m.primal.net/LubA.jpg
it is because this election designed to be emotional. if were for example were presented with 5 candidates and we had to arranged them in order we prefer - this became less emotional. and then we choose candidate who is most often on the highest place. in this case we would find person who is ok with most voters
There was a primary??? 😎
Yeah, in 2020.
Yep. That was the joke. You got it. Even the woke machine is still trying to spin it. https://m.primal.net/Lule.jpg
How do politics even make sense with that anymore? Memes don't allow for nuance. Politics require nuance.
Memes actually condense a lot of information into a tiny bite. But yeah, ideally a politician would then also have detailed positions that they can articulate well in debates.
A lot of the “Trump won because….” takes feel incredibly US-myopic. This was the year of more democratic elections across the world than almost any other and nearly all of them “surprised” in how strongly they voted against the party in power (both left and right). The universal rule of politics remains undefeated - people vote their pocket books.
(Not that Kamala wasn’t a pretty poor candidate or that Trump didn’t generate excitement, of course, but the economy is a *really* strong headwind in any election, one that’s nearly improve to overcome)
Yip, Botswana just had their ruling party of 50 years lose drastically in this year's election, but still a peaceful transition of power is taking place. In South Africa, the ruling party since the start of a democratic South Africa, failed to secure a majority and instead formed a government of national unity with opposition. Also entirely peaceful. Japan (effectively) and UK also had their governments flipped. Lot's going on and not a general shift to left or right, just a shift to "the opposition".
I love this take way more than the "No woman will ever run again" thing I've been hearing a lot of. Both Kamala and Hillary were "picked" to be candidates in smoke filled rooms while ignoring any real primary electorate input. Run meme-able female candidates instead of puppets of warmongers would be a much better strategy.
That's a very "Black Mirror" take... Oh, wait, they did that in the first season. But, hey, willing to give it a shot in Canada. Trudeau is nauseatingly memeable (all bad memes) but Polievre has been less so (aside from his apple eating takedown few have taken off). Mind you, if we were to do it they'd just say "the conservatives are importing American style politics" (one of their favourite go to arguments of the left in Canada).
2024 was The Podcast Election™️ Dems really need to get The Rock or Vince McMahon to lead them to victory on @Bugle_News podcast in 2028. 🚬