Conspiracy Theory: Economy gets worse, Biden falls way behind in the polls. It’s so bad, they can’t even plausibly cheat. He’s also senile beyond salvage, and it’s obvious even to normies. They have to get him off the ticket, but that cackling imbecile Kamala Harris is a problem — you can’t just push aside the first black, female VP. So first Harris steps down, off the ticket, citing health or family or whatever. She gets incentivized big time behind the scenes. Then they pick a new VP, no idea who, but someone palatable and compliant. Polls are still bad into October, and suddenly, citing a (possibly real) health issue Biden is forced off the ticket. They replace him with the VP and add a new VP. Polls are even worse, but they are no longer reliable as people are just getting to know the new ticket and things can plausibly change quickly. Cheating is back on the table.
Kamala is so much in the way, she should be fearing for her life. I can see her suddenly dying of something or being randomly attacked or something. She is too power hungry to step aside willingly and those pulling the strings have a habit of making things happen.
Except I honestly think these people are fucking idots. I know I am dumb and probably wrong but look at Trump vs Hilary and how shocked they were when she lost. She was literally running around dissing voters. They always think they are going to win and won’t change course.
I struggle with whether they are smart and devious or actually drinking the Kool-Aid themselves. Surely some are true believers at least.