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 So is child porn free speech? Because if so, wow, do you have a tough position to defend; as in, you’re going to end up losing the war to win a pedantic battle that only ends up making you look bad. 

There is no such thing as “free speech”. There is a Constitutional amendment that the US government shall not make a law restricting free speech, but some Libertarian types have taken that dictate to RESTRICT THE GOV’T and turned it into an all-powerful god. Stop worshipping dumb maxims. 
 Child porn is criminal evidence and should be impounded by law enforcement. 
 Free speech can mean openly committing a crime in public, and there are consequences for that that have nothing to do with free speech. 
 “porn”: an abbreviated form of the word “pornography”, which is defined as “wicked writing”. It is my understanding that prior to the advent of nearly free cost (as in beer) of publishing of both written and photographed works, pornography covered any kind of written or lithographed printed work which advocated illicit, wicked writing. Therefore, child porn is not simply evidence; it’s wicked speech in printed form. It shares in the wickedness of lying about COVID vaccine effectiveness to increase one’s profits on the backs of the dead who take your vaccine, along with a variety of other speech which results in wickedness being perpetrated on others in order to produce and disseminate more wicked speech. Therefore, I contend it is not wise to attempt to protect any speech whatsoever without any discernment being used just to protect the supposed ideal of “free speech”.