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 I will say here though, cuz I know I have a sympathetic ear in The Fediverse, that if we as a society valued people more than things, the AI “debate” wouldn’t be happening at all. 

They want the art, but they don’t want to pay people to make the art. It’s 100% an ethical issue. 
 @f07377a3 even before this massive boom of ai-art Simon Stålenhag had a big problem where people trained early systems on his art. 
 @29afe963 @f07377a3 I know I'm a hypocrite by being a Software Engineer with these thoughts, but the Luddites had it right. 
 @929738ba @29afe963 Actually the Luddites get a bad rep. Most weren’t explicitly anti-tech, they just wanted to make sure actual humans could, you know, live. Today we’d call them “Socialists”.