Freezing sounds good. Annoying re frost! What's your local climate like? I'm not a huge fan of sweet foods either, but I didn't have a freezer nearly large enough for that harvest. That said, I used to sometimes drink a glass of milk with a spoonful of honemade apricot jam stirred in. I only have commercial jam in the house right now, but maybe I'll try...
I'm in Prague, so it's like Germany. The most problematic springs are when there is a great, almost summer like 2 weeks followed by "winter's back, baby!". The trees start o bloom and boom here comes the frostbites (mostly in early mornings). But when it's cold during the bloom, there are also no bees, resulting in almost no polination. It is quite common as the cold and warm air starts to mix in the spring, you often get a wave of warm african air on one side of a huge whirlwind, followed by the same thing from the arctic at the back of it. Two weeks of early summer and two weeks of "february" afterwards.
Oh, and we are only putting a small partof the harvest into the freezer. No point of storing more like that than you can eat in one year. Unlike with jams (that often age well), frozen fruit degrades and you want to have the space for the new harvest.
Makes sense, I will keep that in mind