Oddbean new post about | logout
 Posting for educational purposes. Kinda neat, might be worth checking out.

 You are risking extradition to the USA 😂  
 We have lovely prisons.

Lots of them. 
 Yeah, now you can still laugh about it… 😵‍💫 
 VerduonWhat do you mean you will have to release an updated version. 
(And if possible in English 😅) 
 Thank you, this has been explicitly educational. 
 Thank you for your service! 
 Wonder how long YouTube will leave these up 
 Too funny i was just brushing off my JAM app and watching this earlier.  

Hope this means we find a lot more liquidity on Join Market.  🤞 
 Jam jar yields about to pop off  
 I found jam fees to be much more expensive to use than whirlpool in sparrow, but maybe I was doing it wrong?  
 won't this video just put targets on the backs of others persons 
 That's the plan. 
 Thats what decentralization is about, if there are central entities that can be pinned they will be. The government CANNOT arrest all of its citizens without revolt, they can easily arrest a private company without revolt. 
 Almost ready to upgrade my raspberry pi #Start9 to the server one hardware so I can start Jam'in! 
 Thanks Ben. Going to watch at 1.0 speed 😉 
 How battle tested is jam app? Looks to still be in beta but what alternatives are there at this point? 
 Still has issues, but is the only option currently.