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 Is the Sun REALLY Going To KILL You? ☀️👀

Full Sun Documentary Out Now: https://youtu.be/uAFrDrLaso8 https://v.nostr.build/wG34O.mp4  
 Great video! Funny that the persons who avoid the sun look very unhealthy (even the dude that chucks a handful of vitamin pills a day) and the sun advocates look great haha 
 I love sun. 
 Everything you take too much of can be 'toxic' or unhealthy. The body paired with an aware mind, has a wonderful way of letting you know when things are too much. Our problem generally is, that we lack awareness of our bodily sensations and thought patterns. The more we train, or better the more we rekindle that awareness, the more we will know what's right for us individually in every single moment. Then we don't need to rely as much on rigid concepts of what's right or wrong. We just know intuitively, just for ourselves, better and better and there's no need for comparison with others.

In my experience, the sun obviously is THE amazing energy provider for us on Earth. So most of the times, I feel like bathing in it like a lizard. But when I feel too hot or the skin becomes sensitive, I withdraw to the shade. If shade is not around or possible, I wear a hat and long clothing. If that's unbearable or I am on water or in snow und only then as an absolute exception, I might take a sunscreen for protection. The more I am able to trust and follow my bodily sensations, the more I come to the conclusion that nature has provided wonderfully for us and no commercial care products are necessary.

I sometimes wonder what a medival trader in the Middle-East would have to say about such a debate. 
 This line in your docu says it all ‘It’s the holistic picture’ (good title for your next docu by the way) if you understand this life is much easier 🙏☀️ Keep up the good work 🎥 
 I enjoyed this a lot. 
Also, isn’t it important to take into consideration the melatonin levels people have?

Is skin color something to consider when asking this question?? 
 Sunscreen is unnatural and contains chemicals.  You need sun, but it’s a Goldilocks amount for your skin tone based on the climate your ancestors were living in, I’m guessing.  It’s not really rocket science… 
 Wearing sunscreen indoors

New craziest thing I’ve ever heard 
 bullish on sun 
 Good video! I just have a few critcisms:
- I appreciate the effort to show both sides and seem unbiased but I couldn't help but feel like you had a bias towards sun lover from the get go. 
- It also felt like you didn't steelman the sun hater very well. You picked someone with a pretty fringe opinion (wear sunscreen indoors everyday).
- I think this video could've benefited from a bit more detail, getting into more of the science behind what the sun does, the history of the research that lead us to our modern beliefs around sun exposure, etc.
- maybe this is a topic for another video but I would've loved to learn about if sunscreen can impact your health at all 
 I agree with your criticisms to a certain extent. I would also love to see Max get into more detail, but I think it is mostly an editorial decision of trying to appeal to broad spectrum of people who will actually watch the whole video without getting bored by going into too much detail. Plus he is trying to get people who are interested to subscribe through highlighter for extra content.  
 Making this documentary with Max has been amazing 💪

 Great vid, and love to see the highlighter ad 😅 
 Without the Sun there is no life on Earth. Life evolved and adapted to the Sun always being there.  No documentary needed. This is common sense. Yes the Sun can damage your skin but hydration and natural methods are enough to protect you. Can elaborate more if needed 
 I love the sunshine more than most things  
 Going to watch this later together with @franny 
 sir yes sir. ☀️ 
 Man really wants to tan every inch of his body.

Fair enough. 
 No, we will all be long dead before it implodes. 
 Saying that the sun and UV rays don't damage the skin or increase the risk of skin cancer is like saying smoking doesn't increase the risk of lung cancer. I really don't get this trend of questioning everything, it's like everyone's suddenly paranoid, like, "Hmm, everyone's lying to us." And I don't get it, is this supposed to be a battle?? On one side you've got a dermatologist who's spent over a decade studying all the cellular mechanisms of how the sun damages the skin backed by tons of research and on the other side you've got Steven Lubka, whose "favorite topic is the sun." So are we supposed to believe Steven just because he  REALLY likes the sun and he's telling us "Don't worry guys, the sun's totally safe"???
BTW nobody's forcing you to avoid the sun or use a sunscreen, just like nobody's forcing people not to smoke. But the fact remains: the sun causes skin damage and increases the risk of skin cancer. 
 I get where you're coming from, I've also felt this way about a lot of topics but I think he has honest intentions with his video. Like I've also wondered if before the last 100-200 years we spent most of our lives outdoors, why is sun exposure only now a concern? Especially considering that they didn't have sunscreen before. I'm not saying let's just never wear sunscreen and stare into the sun but I think this topic is worthy of some healthy skepticism. 
 200 years ago life expectancy was 40 years, I don't think worrying about their skin condition or melanoma was their top concern when they were dealing with stuff like tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and the plague. 
 That's actually incorrect, the average life expectancy of people before modern medicine was low because of the high amount of infant mortality (bringing down the average). But if you survived childhood, you could easily live into your 50s, 60s even 70s for some.Its's obviously way more common today but it wasn't unheard of in the past. 
 Yeah, you're probably right, but we can't know the exact number of people who died from skin cancer in the 1800s. 
 Yeah that's true. Though we can probably get a ballpark figure based on doctor journals describing skin cancer lesions on patients and extrapolate. It's not accurate but the best we can get. 
 BTW I totally understand where they're coming from with good intentions, and I know that there might be some confusion about the sun's pros and cons. Just wanted to share my perspective on the debate. 😊
 I'm all for healthy skepticism. Is this it though? 
 the trend comes from the whole medical profession playing along with the covid hoax, keeping their mouths shut about the experimental gene therapy rebranded as vaccine. I think its very understandable that folks now start distrusting those people in general.  Dont trust, verify. Everything. 
 Lol. This reply was meant for the whole thread, not just you. 💋 
 this probably all sparked from the article that came out that said you have a 50% increase of a heart attack if you go out in the sun 
 Love your content, it's quite informative and entretaining. 
 Yes. Stop spreading misinformation, please! 
 Love your videos Max!  
 Great work as always Max! 
 No, it’s not. 
 This is the scientific way, of sunlight absorption of skin and what hormones it affects in the body. You need to actually go to med school to know these things #medicalfacts #sunlight 
 Is that Brian Johnson in the thumbnail 😂😂☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ 
 Congrats Max, really great Video,  getting Jack Kruse into the discussion about the topic would be fantastic.  The Highlighter Content Idea is just awesome, looking forward to it! 
 Great job Max! I loved this! I'll be sharing it widely.  
 Thanks Michael ☀️ 
 When dogs, cats, and reptiles (among many other animals) soak up rays they obviously have no clue what they are doing as they increase their cancer rate.... or maybe nature knows better than what humans have been pushing for the past 80 yrs.   I'll bet on nature.   When you just think about it rationally, there is basically no way that humans are not benefiting from sun exposure throughout 1M+ years of evolution with constant daily exposure. 
 Only if you are a vampire. 
Should’ve done a 5s video instead with this as the answer 
 Look up Swedish longitudinal studies on this. Following people for decades 
 Great video thanks for posting here!! 
 We watched the video yesterday and I liked how you fairly weigh up both sides! And I learned something new ☀️ 
 อันนี้ใช้ไหมที่แชร์ตอนเช้า @⚡0xCyberpunk⚡🤖
 @fastingfatdentist อันนี้ 
 เยี่ยมเลย ขอบคุณครับ 
 🌞☀️🌅🌄🌇 Great work. Sleeping on “SleepNumber” bed with setting at %100. Mimics floor sleeping. Feels good! Thanks 🙏🤝 
 This is lit! 🔥 
 Imagine a planet that has a variety of climates and this mystically effects how the respond to different levels of sunlight.

Obviously this is a daft line of thought to consider. 
 No sun, no life! Great video! Hope this wakes up many people...
Infrared increases EZ-Water (exclusion Zone Water) in and around our cells! EZ-water is pure cleansing for our system.  And yes, our eyes tell us, when our body has received enough sun! So please no sunglasses, when outside...only to protect eyes when windy and in the snow. And filter glasses to protect from blue light!
Coconut oil and Aloe Vera protects a little bit from sunburn...for those who are not used to direct sun exposure. 
Let common sense come back to humanity...Studies are mostly made from extracted cells outside of the body system...this is not natural and doesn't give true results. 
Back to the roots, back to nature 💪🏽🌞 
 I have spent a couple decades with cancer researchers as an advocate. One thing people know for sure is how important the sun is, especially with cancer diagnoses. The closer you get to the equator, the less cancer, other than skin. 

In cold weather states, there is a high level of Lymphoma. There is a thought it is because of the lack of Vitamin D. Similar, in these cold weather states/climates, there is a higher incidence of MS too.

We humans are 60% water, could we be more plant based than we realize (we share 40-50% of our DNA with a head of cabbage.

If you follow American politics, politicians share about 90% of their DNA with cabbage.

We think we know so much, we don't have a clue, no one understands how our brains work or what the Mechanism of Action is for aspirin.

Aspirin wouldn't eve be 'approved' today because of all the rules.

We are messed up.

 Following your logic, Joe Biden shares about 99% of his DNA with a pack of pampers.

Followed 🤪⚡ 
 Waking up with the sun and going to sleep when it's dark is a nightmare in the Northern hemisphere in summer. Even now. 
 I know some people using daylight lights to boost their circadian rhythm during that time of the year. 
Might be worth a try 
 Sort of. I adjusted to this more "natural" system with small kids. You can observe, how is it completely normal for them to go to sleep when it gets dark and wake up with light. It is not working 100% but I'm much closer to light / dark rhythm then before kids.  
 My 3 year old is gradually waking earlier and earlier. Think we're on 530am now.  
 Yeah, that happens 😅
Fortunately we didn't get (so far) earlier then six or so 😁 
 The sun in Melbourne destroys you in 30 mins.. but I can be out in the sun for hours on end in other countries... I think it really depends where you live.  
 please check de Chaco Paraguayo... in the heart of south america  🇵🇾😅🔥 here in Summer we got 50°C  its so sweet live here 😎🙌🏻 
 What's the conclusion? I have not been able to make myself wear sunscreen despite aging starting to speak more visibly... and all estetichians and supposed beauty slow down skin aging exoerts screaming that sunscreen is the number 1 solution or lack of it as number 1 culprit to prematurely aged skin.  
 Wow follow mee 
 Not if you’re an Australian Aboriginal