Wow. That's inspiring to read. Takes courage to do. I'm working as an Economic teacher in the system and it's tough to be a part of at times. I put everything into writing Coded Shadows, and I think it's badass... cool story for teens about 3 kids. One, Liam, is a Navy brat and is unschooled. If your kids like video games, skateboarding or are curious about fiannce/Bitcoin... ⚡️🔥⚡️
I look forward to checking it out 🫂 🌈 Biden administration to prepare ban on Chinese 🤔 car software
川普在CNN表示,他不会在10月再参加一场辩论,称哈里斯"输得很惨"。 "另一场辩论的问题是,投票已经开始了,为时已晚。" "她曾有机会与福克斯(Fox)进行辩论......但现在她想在选举前进行辩论,因为她输得很惨。 "这就像一个斗士,她看到了脉搏,看到了正在发生的事情,她输得很惨,但就像拳击手上场后被击倒一样。他说的第一句话就是'我想再赛一场'"。 🔥 评:哈里斯不敢玩真格的,在福克斯上的辩论不好作弊,事先拿不到题目,所以想换左媒战斗机CNN又可以故伎重演,这次川普不陪玩了!
imma centralize my 💯 left ball once I’m done 👍 with the 😂 right one
Thanks, It’s amazing to write that down. I was inspired by others replies to share and in writing it I realised how much of an impactful experience going from school to home school and back to school was. It has really shaped me… My eldest daughter is 10, loves video games, was skateboarding earlier today and is into Bitcoin. This sounds perfect for her. How do we access your book?