Oregano oil is like a miracle when dealing with bacterial infections. I first used it on a swollen tooth that appeared on a New Year's Eve afternoon. All dentists were forwarding their calls to each other, so I searched for something that would help. Luckily, I bought a bottle of water with the oregano oil. I used to squirt tinctures directly on my tongue, since the alcohol sting never bothered me. Not after this incident. I love spicy food, and was not prepared for the atomic blast feeling that made my mouth burn like nothing I had felt before. If you take it internally, or apply to sensitive areas, ALWAYS DILUTE. Swishing my mouth every four hours, or so, had my swelling decreased by the next morning. The day after that, I had no symptoms at all. I continued my "swish" schedule for another day or two, just in case. It works best via direct application. This means if you have an infected cut on your finger, drinking oregano oil won't do much. Putting it directly on the infected cut, undiluted, will give you quick results.