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NVK | 17 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +108
 JoinMarkets, ecash, mint swaps, nostr, silent payments, and more coming. The incentives for decentralized privacy are finally here.

Never been this bullish for uncapturable privacy.

(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻ 
 Appreciate your deterministic optimism. Sign me up. 
 Yes. We must puah for it. Ecash in not decentralized as of now btw :-D 
 Early days 
 payjoins...u forgot payjoins 
 Idk why payjoin isnt everywhere already. Seems like a nobrainer? And we have PDK... Idk tho I'm not a dev 
 maybe it gets traction now 
 If not now then ima become disillusioned on it 
 There's a lot of energy in this space which sometimes seems misdirected, that's about to all focus on privacy and L2s 🙏 
 Physical Bitcoin coming 
 LFG 🫡🤠🤙🌀🌀🌀 
 as a highly regarded ATIQ shitposter, i'm going to adopt your confidence and sleep better!  
 Exactly. All the FUD out there right now - but you can come to Nostr, zap some SATS - and what can the US Gov (or any Gov) do about it?

Gonna build a Nostr prison? lol 
 They will just make being a lightning service provider illegal which will shut down the majority of the big nodes and since lightning is so damn difficult to use it will die pretty much immediately. Monero fixes this at the Layer 1. 
 Once I can buy/sell #Bitcoin directly using Monero I'm in - until it's truly integrated into Bitcoin, no go. 
 Do you mean like atomic swaps? That's already a thing if that's what you mean. Where you can just switch back and forth between them as you need. 
 you can do that right now trustlessly on Bisq 
 Still don't know how i feel about Monero. Basically the only crypto outside bitcoin that i have some respect for. 
 Same here, which is why I actually started using it in 2022 after having left the crypto scene entirely after the 2017 block wars and the insanely high fees. 
 joinmarket is so underrated. Time to integrate it into a mobile wallet. 

What about payjoins, seems promising, but i suppose it requires s majority wallets to implement it for everyone to actually benefit eh? 
 Need mobile badly 
 You really need to add Monero support! 
 Somewhere Trace Mayer is smiling