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 Turkish state propaganda Anadolu Agency is behind many of the fake news articles published about Sweden by Al Jazeera, says an investigation by Sydsvenskan newspaper.

Conspiracy articles about Sweden included claims that Sweden has different rules for burning different holy books, and that Swedish social services kidnap Muslim children.

 Oh, and yesterday the Hungarian government demanded that Swedish public broadcasting stop saying that democracy is being eroded in Hungary in its educational programming, and threatened consequences for the Nato application - which is a great way to show how totally democritastic Hungary actually is. 
 @b870d4c8 Oh look, just Turkey stoking stochastic terrorism in Sweden.... Erdogan is bad for democracy everywhere, not just in Turkey. 
 @b870d4c8 Is the latter claim entirely false? *Most* countries' "social services" programs around children disproportionately separate children who are not of the majority race or religion from their parents, to the point I'd say the claim is by default true unless the system has not separated any at all.

This isn't to support bad regimes' propaganda claims, just to avoid doing fallout damage by denying real injustices they coopt.