I have a #v4v question. When people are making shows like boostgram ball and other music podcasts, are they getting permission from the artists first? Or are they just adding splits appropriately?
At Nashville, in some discussions, the impression I got is that it's the later. Like, if the music is there v4v, go ahead make a music podcast just add them.
Do I have the correct takeaway? I'm new to this (we might all be 🤣). And I'm curious what the norm is (is there one?).
Surpringsly, some pioneering v4v creators, devs, and artists are following me I think, what do y'all think?
Yes, my experience is the latter. Just like a v4v podcast, you offer everything for free and if there’s enough value, the hosts will hopefully add appropriate splits. All the hosts are super passionate about v4v and always do add splits!
I think most shows send 95% of the Boost to the artist while their tracks are playing. The funny thing is that the part they keep is so they see the Boost coming in and can thank people in the next episode.
When the host is talking, they get the sats and when the song is playing the artist get the sats.
This is all open and transparent so you can check to see where the sats are going when you Boost. Most apps show the splits in one way or another, but my favorite is Podverse on mobile because the Boost button even turns green when the show switches to an artist wallet.
Kevin Bae played one of Andy’s songs today and here’s how the split looks like in Podverse when you hit the Boost button.
Remote is the ValueBlock Andy setup in his feed and local is what Kevin set his to.
If you Boost when Andy’s song is playing he gets 95% set to his ValueBlock that’s split up how he chooses and 5% goes to Kevin and is split up according to his ValueBlock.
You have the correct takeaway. The library is open for shows that allow support.
Yes! We want Podcasters to use our music and play it for their audiences and to talk about the V4V music revolution. On the podcasting side we are working in the p2.0 namespace to create a license that makes it clear that the music is “free to use” on shows or to stream it, but only where there is a value enabled opportunity. The key here is to also convert Bitcoin podcasters to distribute through value enabled apps like Fountain and Wavlake. Podcasters can ensure their shows are in the Podcast 2.o library and read by modern podcast apps (those apps that support lightning payments) by using a p2.0 host like @RSSBlue.
There is a V4V music license that @Sam Sethi :pc2red: has worked on that has some basic guidelines.