Durov has 'nothing to hide', says Telegram after France arrest ========== Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris on August 24, 2024, and held for questioning over alleged offences including fraud, drug trafficking, and promotion of terrorism. His detention was extended beyond the initial 48 hours, potentially lasting up to 96 hours. Durov, 39, holds a fortune of $15.5 billion according to Forbes. Telegram stated he has 'nothing to hide' and complies with EU laws. Russia accused France of refusing to cooperate, while Elon Musk and Edward Snowden defended Durov, calling the arrest an assault on human rights. Durov had arrived from Baku, Azerbaijan, and was planning to dine in Paris. #PavelDurov #Telegram #France #Arrest #ElonMusk #EdwardSnowden #HumanRights #Technology #Cybersecurity #MessagingApp https://www.legit.ng/business-economy/technology/1610340-durov-hide-telegram-france-arrest/