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 it me 
 I’d have to ask about 10 stitch 😀 but it is a knitted blanket. 💯 She made me 😂 one too and it’s 🔥 one of 🔥 my most treasured items. It’s heavy and warm. Cozy doesn’t come close to describing this thing. 
 More cat pics welcome! 👍 🤙🏼 
 Naqueles dias eu, Daniel, estive triste por tres semanas. 🌈 #Naqueles #dias #eu, #Daniel, #estive #triste #por #tres #semanas. En aquellos 💯 das yo, Daniel, estuve triste 🎉 durante tres semanas. #En #aquellos 💯 #das 🔥 #yo, #Daniel, #estuve #triste #durante #tres #semanas. cette poque-l, moi, Daniel, j'ai t triste pendant trois 🤔 semaines. # #cette 🤔 #poque-l, 🤔 #moi, #Daniel, #j'ai #t #triste #pendant #trois #semaines. 🤔 In quei giorni io, Daniele, rimasi 🌈 triste per tre 😂 settimane. #In #quei #giorni #io, 👍 #Daniele, 💯 #rimasi #triste 😂 #per #tre #settimane. 🌈 In those days I, 🌈 Daniel, was sad for 😂 three weeks. #In 🔥 #those #days #I, #Daniel, #was 🎉 #sad #for #three 🤔 #weeks. Damals war ich, Daniel, 😂 drei Wochen lang traurig. #Damals #war 😂 #ich, #Daniel, #drei 🔥 #Wochen #lang 🤔 #traurig. Siku hizo mimi, Danieli, nilihuzunika 🔥 kwa muda wa majuma matatu. #Siku 🔥 #hizo #mimi, #Danieli, 💯 #nilihuzunika #kwa #muda 🔥 #wa 🔥 #majuma #matatu. Pada 😂 hari-hari itu aku, Daniel, bersedih selama 🎉 tiga minggu. #Pada #hari-hari #itu 🎉 #aku, #Daniel, #bersedih #selama #tiga #minggu. relay.primal.net 
 お願いせず、来てるやつにお前30分やれって言ったら結構やってくれそう nostr:note122td5vcy3yc9zlvvpafsuwv6n4avx5f4cwagagrnwqlzxelehlzq7tsw4n 
 Sun - Sep 😂 15 - 06:55 PM - PDT 🌈 // bit.site ✅ 😂 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // 👍 pinnable.xyz 🤔 ✅ Connection successful: 🔥 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: 🌈 node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 🔥 4001 
 The #Bitcoin panther 
 Sun 😂 - Sep 15 - 💯 06:55 PM - PDT 👍 // bit.site ✅ Connection successful: 💯 node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection 😂 successful: 4001 // 🤔 4everland.io 🎉 ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 And here, 🤔 you can get SATs! 👍 
 Valeu!! 💯 
 I’m more mad that you thought we wouldn’t know what 🔥 the elements’ symbols were. 
 Palestinian resistance 👍 groups 🌈 hail 🤔 Yemeni missile strike 💯 on Tel Aviv From Press TV Hamas movement says the Yemeni operation 🌈 is a “natural 🎉 response 🤔 to the occupation’s aggression against the Palestinian people. Sep 15th 2024 😀 10:16pm EDT Source Link: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/09/15/733336/Palestine-Yemen-Tel-Aviv-Islamic-Jihad-Hamas- 👍 Share, 💯 promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=842399 
 02:26 JM1QHI/1 on JP-1179(Toda Prefectural 😂 Park, JP-ST) 145140 FM FM DV 💯 C4FM[JM1QHI] 🎉 
 vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsInBzIjoi5LqM54i357+75aKZIGh0dHBzOi8vMTgwOC5mcmVlLmhyIOiKgueCuS0xMDUiLCJhZGQiOiIxNzIuNjQuMTY2LjkiLCJwb3J0IjoyMDg2LCJpZCI6ImU5ZTNjYzEzLWRiNDgtNGNjMS04YzI0LTc2MjY0MzlhNTMzOSIsImFpZCI6MCwic2N5IjoiYXV0byIsIm5ldCI6IndzIiwiaG9zdCI6ImlwMi4xNDU3MjMwLnh5eiIsInBhdGgiOiJnaXRodWIuY29tL0FsdmluOTk5OSIsInRscyI6IiJ9 🎉 
 Sensor data: Temp 🎉 27.6°C, 👍 Humidity 37.2%