Big Home Assistant fan here! And it's made by a Dutch guy :-) Easiest to run it on a dedicated Linux box somewhere, because it's a bit of a Docker circus. is a great dashboard for self hosted stuff.
oh that's neat! > Easiest to run it on a dedicated Linux box somewhere, because it's a bit of a Docker circus. no lack of those... i also have a few of these computers (in-flight entertainment systems) from the etnaviv days, that i wanted to use, at least for the control interface
Then you can get your hands on a zigbee coordinator either to USB or Ethernet and run zigbee2mqtt as service aswell on that computer. Connects easily to Home Assistant. All zigbee smart bulbs i have used works without any hassle. IKEA has many different for a cheap price.
Also I would recommend to integate with influxdb, for persistence of historical data. Then put grafana on top of that and you can add your grafana graphs into home assistant with the external web page card.