Oddbean new post about | logout
 Most people have NO idea that the vast majority of their current thoughts and beliefs were designed by others and put out there into cult-ure to become your present understanding about life and your place in it -- this is known as "programming"
Just as you would put code into a computer to make it perform as you want it to, the culture-makers are putting out code to make YOU perform the way the controllers want you to perform. If you take on the beliefs of cult-ture, then you are programmed, which means none of your beliefs and few of your thoughts and understandings are your own. Scary thought isn't it?
Now is the time to examine all your current beliefs about EVERYTHING, and if our cult-ure makers are pushing a meme over and over, you can be sure you are being subjected to programming.....NOW is the time to break with that programming and think for yourself. Please note that all knee-jerk responses are likely to be programming....examine why you are emotionally responding the way you are and ask yourself  'who' would gain the most from your emotional response in this moment. You? Or the cult-ure makers? #datestr #bitcoin #lovestr