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 "Bitcoin it's an attack to our stable and democratic economic system.." 

 If the power of government rests on the widespread acceptance of false indeed absurd and foolish ideas, then the only genuine protection is the systematic attack of these ideas and the propagation and proliferation of true ones.

HHH, Democracy: The God That Failed, p. 93

 page 172. Also, apparently he said a quote too that goes like "my goal is to introduce racial determinism to the Austrian method" which to me sounds seems like it explains his whole motivation straightforwardly. Can't remember where the quote is. 

 Hoppe has never said the word "decentralize", i dont think he's the right guy to listen to for praxis 
 Never? Hahah, you're rambling too big... You don't know shit. Just like all the classic anti-Hoppe ignoramuses.

The fact that you simply discredit the man's works with a quick CTRL+F scan proves your malice. Go read without cherrypicking and then try to come...

I leave below the excerpt from "Strategy: Stopping the Statist Disease" on page 6 of What Must Be Done to prove your absurdity:

"... Second, because a monopoly of protection is the root of all evil, any territorial expansion of such a monopoly is per se evil too. Every political centralization must be on principle grounds rejected. In turn, every attempt at political decentralization—segregation, separation, secession and so forth—must be supported."

 Ok, he used the word "decentralize", but in context, he means something different than what I mean. He's saying basically that we need to engage in politics and promote things like "brexit". 

I think here Hoppe presents a false dichotomy: He says if you against "political centralization" then you must support all "segregation, separation, secession".  
 You proved my point. You don't know shit. I repeat, don't make absurd criticisms and whataboutisms without cherrypicking sentences, without reading objectively, and without being fueled by all the fuzzy lolbertarians around. 

All his work is based on a complete philosophy, a sound logical epistemology and economic science. If you claim otherwise you are performatively contradictory and anything you have to say about decentralization or liberty is completely unimportant. I have no time for you.