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 The claim is that thousands were killed along the Danube, and they found nothing.

What's funny is the SHUT IT DOWN headline the day after yours:

 @SuperPikameeFriend @:frogc00l: :amespin:  :niggy_dab:  yeet :pogfish: ... 

needlessly disturbs the dead the dead aren’t there but would they be there they would be disturbed the dead that you don’t want disturbed that arent there those dead?

 Many such cases. The natives in Canada are pulling the same shit, claiming there are mass graves found by ground penetrating radar, but then refusing to exhume the anomalies to prove it. 
 "The slightly based Euro country is doing well? JEW IT UP. SHUT IT DOWN." :shutitdown: 
 @SuperPikameeFriend @:frogc00l: :amespin:  :niggy_dab:  yeet :pogfish: ... don't you wanna find your fellow yehudim and bury thrm like Ba'al demands?