Oddbean new post about | logout
 If the consensus rules are not there it’s over. No one can just change the protocol. That completely destroys the function of it. 
 But you do realise it's changed?  
 It changes as I choose 
 then that isn't a protocol that anyone can trust 
 My node says it is 
 If you’re aiming at something say it.  You obviously want to 
 it's in my quote.  
 You cannot change the protocol without consensus. It has to be accepted by the nodes on the network . Please explain otherwise. I’m a Pleb not a dev. What are you alluding to? 
 You can choose to run a node and which set of rules you decide. This makes it a trustless system as best as it’s possible 
 just go back and review the years and what happened, and how it happened.  I'm not going to allude to anything or try to tell you anything. There's no point because you're entrenched in your understanding. You need to just go back, it's 2024, so you have a solid 10 years of Bitcoin development to go through.  

This way, you'll come to your own conclusions. What you alluded to in your OP is the White Paper of 2008, and that's right - but you can't "consensus" change the protocol; it doesn't work that way actually even though they force it thus making soft or hard forks.

Anyway, just start digging

 If you’re referring to a hard fork with black / white coins in the future yes it’s quite likely to occur but the network will split and miners will choose based on their allegiance which chain to mine. Nothing is perfect for sure but it’s all worth fighting for 
 You seem to be suggesting Bitcoin is a pointless experiment in sound money if as you seem to be suggesting it’s not ‘sound’. If so it’ll be the greatest Rugpull of all time 🤷‍♂️