Breedlove seems to have run up her credit cards, empty bank accounts. This looks like a much bigger problem than her just getting ditched. Time will tell just what happened so I'm reserving full judgement until later.
I unfollowed him years ago. He tried saying Bitcoin was Jesus' second coming lol. Fine to believe whatever, but some mental health red flags went off. Then I heard about the BitClout rug and so far my bullshit radar has been 4/4.... Richard Heart, Do Kwon, SBF, and now Breedlove
I couldn't overlook the bit clout thing.
What the fuck is with these "influencers"?
It's impressive how good some of them are at playing the part. The one Bitcoiner I know who got in sub 10c literally doesn't participate in any of it.
If his ex wife’s claims are true, then he’s got some issues. Bitcoin doesn’t fix everything I guess 🤷♂️
The less said when there’s kids involved, the better. She needs to show some spine and STFU for the kid’s sake.