Oddbean new post about | logout
jack | 13 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +101

 Well said. 
 hey jack would you mind zappind some fresh sats to the supreme pleb here on #nostr ? i would be really greatfull to have a zap signed by you 🫂⚡ 
hoping this comment arrives you well ✌️ 
 hey jack would you mind zappind some fresh sats to the supreme pleb here on #nostr ? i would be really greatfull to have a zap signed by you 🫂⚡ 
hoping this comment arrives you well ✌️ 
 Have you thought about how to execute implementing a Chaumian ecash into @CashApp for us users to be able to send cash to others offline?

I'd love that 
 But now, Chaum is a scammer. 
 Mints bad, lightning.pub good 
 You know what sucks? Your cash app and everything you are associated with!